Basic Python Programming Challenges

In this tutorial, we are going to write a solution for a challenge.


We have to generate a random set of basic arithmetic operations. The user will give the number of questions, and we have to generate questions. After every question, the user will answer it. At the end of the program, we have to give the score. Let's try it.


# importing random and operator modules
import random
import operator
# main function
# taking number of questions that we have to generate
def main(n):
   print("Welcome to the quiz\nYou should answer floats upto 2 decimals")
   # initialising score to 0
   score = 0
   # loop to generate n questions
   for i in range(n):
      # getting answer and correctness of a question
      is_correct, answer = question(i)
      # checking whether is_correct is True or not
      if is_correct:
         # increment score by 1 if correct
         score += 1
         print('Correct Congrats!')
         # printing the correct answer
         print(f'Incorrect! Answer: {answer}')
   # displaying the total score
   print(f'Total score: {score}')
# function for the question
def question(n):
   # getting answer from the generate_function
   answer = generate_question()
   # taking answer from the user
   user_answer = float(input("Answer: "))
   # returning answer to the main function
   return user_answer == answer, answer
# function to generate a random question
def generate_question():
   # initialising operators for random generation
   operators = {
      '+' : operator.add,
      '-' : operator.sub,
      '*' : operator.mul,
      '/' : operator.truediv,
      '//' : operator.floordiv,
      '%' : operator.mod
   # initialising numbers for expressions
   nums = [i for i in range(10)]
   # getting two random numbers from nums for calculation
   _1, _2 = nums[random.randint(0, 9)], nums[random.randint(0, 9)]
   # generating random operator from the list of operators
   symbol = list(operators.keys())[random.randint(0, 5)]
   # calculating the answer
   answer = round(operators.get(symbol)(_1, _2), 2)
   print(f'{_1} {symbol} {_2}?')
   return answer
if __name__ == '__main__':


If you run the above code, you will get the following results.

Welcome to the quiz
You should answer floats upto 2 decimals
5 + 7?
Answer: 12
Correct Congrats!
9 / 9?
Answer: 1
Correct Congrats!
4 + 7?
Answer: 11
Correct Congrats!
6 // 6?
Answer: 1.0
Correct Congrats!
9 % 3?
Answer: 0
Correct Congrats!
Total score: 5


You can also improve the question by adding some more features like increasing difficulty, generating easy to hard questions, etc.., Try it yourself. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. If you have any doubts, mention them in the comment section.

Updated on: 01-Nov-2019


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