Prabhdeep Singh has Published 197 Articles

Explain Constants in ES6

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:42:54


Debugging is a very hectic process for the developers or the programmer and a minor mistake can lead to major problems like changing a single variable will change the whole code and will become very difficult to detect. Sometimes there are some variables that are not going to change through ... Read More

Explain clearTimeout() function in Node.js

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:37:29


There is a timer module in node.js that is used to schedule timers and carry out specific functions at a later time. In Node.js the JavaScript function clearTimeout() is used to halt the execution of the setTimeout() function by using the timeoutID returned by a specific setTimeout() function call. This ... Read More

Explain Chosen and Select2 with Examples

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:28:21


There are two jQuery plugins that can we use to style the select boxes that are Select2 and Chosen. Both the plugins Select2 and Chosen are improving the look of the selected boxes and enhancing the behavior of the boxes which leads to the make them user-friendly. Also, both of ... Read More

Explain Built-in Events in Backbone.js

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:27:27


There are various events that are present in Backbone.js and these events are called built-in Events. As the name suggests programmers and users already define built-in events and can directly use them. Also as per the requirements, a user can create his/her own event which doesn’t comes under the built-in ... Read More

Explain all Console Object in HTML

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 17-Mar-2023 13:24:52


A console is an object in the JavaScript programming language that is used for the purpose of debugging or logging results. It is a tool or web tool which may be used by developers to debug their code. With the help of the console, information can be displayed about the ... Read More

Introduction and Installation of Svelte

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:33:43


Svelte is the new method to create web applications, it can be used from a small part of the code to the complete page web application. Svelte is not a framework, it is a compiler that is much faster as compared to the other libraries of JavaScript such as Angular ... Read More

Introduction to Anime.js

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:26:19

1K+ Views

Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript library with a straightforward, effective API. It functions with JavaScript objects, CSS, and DOM elements and also Anime.js is easy to use. Traditionally, we make animations by gradually modifying the styling of an element. Such movements are possible with JavaScript, but even the simplest animations ... Read More

Introduction and Installation of Nightmare.js

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:14:58


Nightmare is a high-level automation library offered by segment. It's a good option for smoke test automation because it can perform all of the text inputs, clicks, and visual checks that a person can. It operates as a headless browser using Electron. In this article, we will discuss Nightmare.js in ... Read More

Interesting facts about JSON

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:10:47


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, basically, JSON is frequently used with JavaScript, it was initially meant to be a subset of the JavaScript programming language. However, JSON is a language-independent data format. In this article, we are going to learn about JSON and also their interesting facts with examples. ... Read More

Integer Range in JavaScript

Prabhdeep Singh

Prabhdeep Singh

Updated on 02-Mar-2023 15:08:48


For storing the data there are various types of data types present in each programming language. Data may be in the form of string, character, number, etc. For each type of data type, there is a certain limit of memory allocated to use the memory efficiently for example, the character ... Read More
