Srinivas Gorla has Published 75 Articles

How do I use arrays in C++?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 10:32:26


An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. To use an array in C++, you'll need to declare it first, for example, int arr[10];This declares an array of type ... Read More

While running MySQL statements in batch mode, how can we print, along with output, which statements are getting executed?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:30:25


By using –v option in batch mode, the MySQL statements can be printed along with output. For example, after running the same query in batch mode with –v option we will get the statement printed along with output.C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin>mysql -u root -p gaurav < hh.sql -v Enter password: ***** ... Read More

C++ Relational and Equality Operators

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 05:40:45

2K+ Views

In C Programming, the values hold on in 2 variables will be compared exploitation following operators and relation between them will be determined. These operators are called relational operators. Various C++ relational operators available are-OperatorsDescription>Greater than>=Greater than or equal to

What is arrow operator in C++?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 12:56:22

3K+ Views

The dot and arrow operator are both used in C++ to access the members of a class. They are just used in different scenarios. In C++, types declared as a class, struct, or union are considered "of class type". So the following refers to both of them.a.b is only used ... Read More

Why do we use const qualifier in C++?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 10-Feb-2020 12:24:08

2K+ Views

We use the const qualifier to declare a variable as constant. That means that we cannot change the value once the variable has been initialized. Using const has a very big benefit. For example, if you have a constant value of the value of PI, you wouldn't like any part ... Read More

How can I export values based on some conditions from MySQL table into a file?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 06-Feb-2020 06:36:45


We can use the conditions in WHERE clause while exporting the data from MySQL table to a file. It can be understood with the help of an example −ExampleSuppose we are having following data from table ‘Student_info’ −mysql> Select * from Student_info; +------+---------+------------+------------+ | id   | Name    | ... Read More

How MySQL evaluates if we use any other escape character rather that back-slash () in a text file while importing the data from text file to MySQL table?

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 04-Feb-2020 06:12:01


Back-slash(\) is the by default escape character for the MySQL and when we use it in the text file then we do not need to mention it in the query while importing the data from text file to table. But if we use any other character as escape character then ... Read More

Set the space between characters in CSS

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 31-Jan-2020 06:42:39


Use the letter-spacing property to set the space between characters. You can try to run the following code to implement letter-spacing property:Example                            Asia is a continent.          

How to set the color of a text with CSS

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 10:39:57


To set the color of a text, use the color property.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with the color property in CSS:                            ANTARTICA is a continent          

Usage of font property in CSS

Srinivas Gorla

Srinivas Gorla

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 10:19:44


The font property is used as shorthand to specify a number of other font properties, such as font family, size, style, etc.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with font property:                            Applying all the properties on the text at once.          
