Attributes of Data Warehouse


A data warehouse is a database specifically designed for fast querying and analysis of data. It is used to support the decision-making process of an organization by providing a centralized repository of data that can be easily accessed and analyzed.

Attributes in a data warehouse are characteristics or features of a dataset that describe the data. They are also known as variables or columns. In this article, we will explore the different types of attributes that are used in a data warehouse and their role in supporting the decision-making process of an organization.

Types of Attributes in a Data Warehouse

In a data warehouse, data can be organized and described using various attributes, which are characteristics or properties of the data. These attributes can be classified into different types based on the nature of the data they represent. Here are four common types of attributes −

  • Nominal attributes are those that simply label or categorize data, without any inherent order or ranking. Examples include gender (male or female), eye color (brown, blue, etc.), and product type (television, refrigerator, etc.).

  • Ordinal attributes are similar to nominal attributes, but they do have an inherent order or ranking. For example, "satisfaction level" could be an ordinal attribute, with the possible values "very satisfied," "satisfied," "neutral," "dissatisfied," and "very dissatisfied."

  • Interval attributes are numerical attributes that have an inherent order and an equal unit of measurement, but no true zero point. An example of an interval attribute is temperature measured in degrees Celsius. 0 degrees does not represent the absence of temperature, so it is not a true zero point.

  • Ratio attributes are numerical attributes that have an inherent order, a true zero point, and an equal unit of measurement. Examples of ratio attributes include weight, length, and monetary values.

It is important to understand the type of attribute you are working with, as it can affect how you analyze and interpret the data. For example, you cannot calculate the average of ordinal attributes because they do not have an equal unit of measurement.

Architecture and Components of a Data Warehouse

It typically has the following architecture and components −

  • Data sources − These are the various databases, files, and other sources of data that feed into the data warehouse.

  • Extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process − This is the process of extracting data from the data sources, transforming it into a format that is suitable for analysis, and loading it into the data warehouse.

  • Data warehouse database − This is the actual database that stores the data in the data warehouse. It is typically designed to support fast querying and is optimized for data retrieval rather than data insertion or update.

  • Online analytical processing (OLAP) engine − This is the component that enables users to perform complex queries and analysis on the data in the data warehouse.

  • Front-end tools − These are the tools that users interact with to access the data in the data warehouse. Examples include SQL clients and business intelligence software.

  • Metadata − This is data about the data in the data warehouse, such as definitions of data elements and their relationships to one another.

  • Data marts − These are smaller, more focused data warehouses that are designed to support the needs of specific departments or business functions. They may be derived from the main data warehouse or may be fed directly from the data sources.

Importance of Attributes in a Data Warehouse

Attributes are an essential part of a data warehouse because they help to describe and classify the data. By understanding the different types of attributes and how they are organized, analysts can better understand the data they are working with and draw more accurate conclusions.

For example, consider a data warehouse containing sales data for a company. By analyzing the dimension attributes (e.g., product category, location), measure attributes (e.g., quantity sold, revenue), and hierarchical attributes (e.g., location), the company might be able to identify trends such as which product categories are the most popular in different locations or which locations have the highest sales.

Attributes can also be used to create models for prediction. For example, a company might use attributes such as past sales data and location to create a model for predicting future sales.

In addition to their role in describing and classifying data, attributes are also important for data visualization. By organizing data according to specific attributes, analysts can create charts and graphs that help to illustrate trends and patterns in the data.


Here is an example of using attributes in a Python script for a data warehouse −

# define a class for a customer record
class Customer:
   def __init__(self, id, name, address): = id = name
      self.address = address
# create an instance of the Customer class
cust = Customer(1, 'John Smith', '123 Main St')

# access the attributes of the instance

# modify the attributes = 'Jane Smith'
cust.address = '456 Main St'



John Smith
123 Main St
Jane Smith
456 Main St

It is important to regularly update the data in a data warehouse to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant. This process, known as ETL (extract, transform, load), involves extracting data from various sources, cleaning and transforming the data, and then loading it into the data warehouse.

Attributes can also be used to enforce data integrity in a data warehouse. For example, certain attributes might have a set of allowed values (e.g., a product category can only be "electronics" or "clothing"), or certain attributes might be required (e.g., every sales fact must have a product category and location). By enforcing these rules, the data in the data warehouse can be more reliable and consistent.


In conclusion, attributes are characteristics or features of a dataset that describe the data. They are an essential part of a data warehouse and are used to support the decision-making process of an organization by providing a centralized repository of data that can be easily accessed and analyzed. By understanding the different types of attributes and how they are organized, analysts can more effectively analyze and interpret the data in a data warehouse.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023


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