Found 96 Articles for Treatment

Difference Between Pneumonia and Lung Infection

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 15:23:53


In the case of a lung infection, numerous bacteria invade, proliferate, and then release their poisons into the patient's lungs. For this reason, the lung tissue becomes inflamed as a result of this pathogenic process. Pneumonia is a frequent lung illness. What is Pneumonia? When the lungs get infected, it can harm either the alveoli themselves or the tissue that surrounds them. Because of the inflammatory reaction brought on by the infection, the alveoli will fill with fluid (exudate or transudate). Pneumonia symptoms including coughing, fever, shortness of breath, etc., result. Pneumonia often develops as a secondary consequence of an ... Read More

Difference Between Hyperparathyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 15:20:52


Hyperparathyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two distinct medical conditions that affect the endocrine system of the body. Although the two conditions share some similarities, they have different causes, symptoms, and treatments. In this essay, we will discuss the differences between hyperparathyroidism and hyperthyroidism. What is Hyperparathyroidism? Hyperparathyroidism is a condition in which the parathyroid glands produce too much parathyroid hormone (PTH). These glands are located in the neck and are responsible for regulating the level of calcium in the body. When the parathyroid glands produce too much PTH, the calcium level in the blood increases, leading to hypercalcemia. Primary hyperparathyroidism ... Read More

Difference Between Cortical and Juxtamedullary Nephron

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:29:03

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The kidneys are complex organs that perform various vital functions in the body, including regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, and filtering waste products from the blood. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, which consists of a renal corpuscle and a renal tubule. There are two types of nephrons in the kidney: cortical nephrons and juxtamedullary nephrons. While both types of nephrons perform the same functions, there are some differences between them that are worth exploring. What is Cortical Nephron? Cortical nephrons are the most common type of nephron, comprising about 85% of all nephrons in ... Read More

Difference Between COPD and Asthma Treatment

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 10-Apr-2023 14:26:13


COPD and asthma are two of the most common chronic respiratory diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide. While both conditions share some similarities, they are distinct conditions that require different treatment approaches. Understanding the differences between the two conditions and their respective treatments can help patients and healthcare providers effectively manage these chronic diseases. COPD Treatment COPD is a chronic lung disease that includes two main conditions, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis is a condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to coughing, excess mucus production, and difficulty breathing. Emphysema is a condition that damages ... Read More

The Risks of Taking Sleeping Pills

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 07-Apr-2023 16:36:45


Insomnia is a sleep disorder, so you should see a doctor if you have difficulties getting asleep or staying asleep daily. The treatment for your sleeplessness will depend on the root cause. Insomnia treatment is more successful when the underlying cause is addressed, such as a medical or sleep-related issue. The greatest treatment for chronic insomnia is the behavioural modifications learnt in cognitive behavioural therapy. Maintaining a normal sleep and wake time, working out regularly, staying away from coffee after 2 p.m., not napping throughout the day, and controlling your stress levels are all likely beneficial. Yet, there are situations ... Read More

Difference Between Gestational Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 06-Apr-2023 12:15:49


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood, which can cause various health problems. There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a blood sugar problem that is diagnosed or develops during pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes is the condition in which blood sugar problems occur in adulthood, most often after age 40. What is Gestational Diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It is a temporary form of diabetes that affects ... Read More

All About Shopping Addiction: Causes, Treatment, And When It's A Problem

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 18:12:57


What is Shopping Addiction? A compulsive shopper who feels they have no control over their behavior is referred to as an addict to buying. Compulsive buying is a behavioral addiction that people engage in to feel better and avoid unpleasant emotions like anxiety and sadness. Shopping addiction can become a fixation that interferes with other aspects of your life, just like other behavioral addictions. The obsession that is perhaps most acceptable in society is oniomania, also known as shopping addiction. What distinguishes normal shopping from shopping addiction? Normal Shopping Shopping Addiction Bought goods are required ... Read More

Ways to Protect Your Eye Health and Preserve Your Vision

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 17:35:43


Are you wearing your sunglasses today? Do you spend all your time staring at a screen without a break? Perhaps you once again neglected to have your regular eye test. These are only a handful of the factors we frequently forget when it is to preserve good eye health. Yet over time, these seemingly harmless errors and the little choices we make daily can damage our eyesight and our eyes. Your vision is crucial to your overall well-being. Humans rely only on their vision to view and comprehend the environment surrounding them. Yet, certain eye conditions might result in vision ... Read More

What Is Epinephrine?

Bhaswati Mukherjee
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 17:26:02


The health of the body's nervous and hormonal systems depends on the neurotransmitter and hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. While under stress, the adrenal glands create it and release it into circulation, exercise, or other stimuli that activate the sympathetic nervous system. How Epinephrine Works Epinephrine acts on several receptors throughout the body to initiate the "fight-or-flight" response, which prepares the body for physical activity and helps it respond to stressful situations. This reaction increases heart rate, BP, pupil size, and muscle blood supply. The chemical structure of epinephrine is similar to that of other catecholamines, ... Read More

Difference Between Diabetic Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 17:10:29


Diabetic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy are two common types of nerve damage that can occur in people. Although they share similar symptoms, the causes of each condition are different. In this essay, we will examine the differences between diabetic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy and the causes, symptoms, and treatments of each. What is Diabetic Neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes. It is caused by high blood sugar levels, which damage the nerves over time. This type of nerve damage often affects the feet and legs, but it can also affect the ... Read More
