Found 82 Articles for Travel

Is getting a personal vehicle really a better option than relying on public transport in Indian cities?

Om Sharma
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 08:01:02


It’s been not so long since I landed in one of the major IT hubs of India, Hyderabad and the moment I hit the road and saw the traffic, I realized that commuting here from one place to another will not be as easy as it was in Jaipur from where I belong to.Hyderabad is surely three times bigger than Jaipur, and therefore, the traffic conditions here are worse. However, I would still not recommend going for the public transport if you are planning, (especially for your daily commuting purposes like going to the office) because you have to devote ... Read More

How can we reduce the casualties that occur almost every year during Hajj?

Om Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


Whenever our family members or relatives embark on a travel to Hajj, our hearts sink with the thought of their safety because despite having solid arrangements we come across news of causalities that occur almost every year during the travel to this holy pilgrimage. To get over such fatal incidents, Rajasthan Hajj Welfare Society has come up with an innovative idea of giving a practical training to the Hajjis and for that, they have created a model of Kaba. This model displays all the spots of praying including Safa and Marva valleys, hills, Maqam-E-Ibrahim, Sang-E-Aswad, Hateem, and the ... Read More

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