Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Pastoralism in Africa

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 15:01:12


Introduction The African continent was a long-serving colony of Britishers and other European countries. The sole aim of these colonial powers was to drain as much wealth as they could from the colonies. The most significant source of income was the revenue generated from agriculture. For that purpose, the colonial masters always sought to increase the agricultural land and encouraged natives to cultivate those lands so they could generate more revenue. Pastoral tribes moved across the country according to season and in search of food and water for themselves and their cattle. The new rules and regulation introduced by colonial ... Read More

Oracle Bones

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:56:45


Introduction The truth about ancient cultures across the world is known via numerous means like written documents. rituals, beliefs, coins, carbon dating, poems, and stories. A prominent example of the process is the study of Vedic and post-Vedic cultures. Although the period dates back to 1500 BCE, we find evidence of political structure, traditions, military strength, agricultural grains, trade, rituals, etc. All this is studied via literary means like the Vedas, or through archaeological finds like the burials. The most authentic means to study the ancient past is archaeological evidence. A primary example of this is the study of oracle ... Read More

Nathpanthis, Siddhas, and Yogis - The Religious Groups

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 17:32:20


Introduction In the medieval era, many religious groups emerged due to the emergence of new religious ideas and beliefs. Some people were passionate devotees of Shiva and Vishnu who condemned the historic caste system. They also spread the message of equality and criticized the ill-treatment of women. They believed that every human being is equal and can be united to supreme power with utter dedication and devotion. Many philosophers like Basavanna spread their ideas through different movements. Some of them also composed poems in praise of their deities to express their love for god. Similarly, during this time there emerged other ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:40:07


Introduction In Ancient times the battles between two clans were fought for resources like pasture, water and cattle. Men participated in all wars and there was no regular army. Some parts of the exploits were taken by the leader and some were donated to priests and the rest were distributed among people. The leader used to make big sacrifices in Yajna and claim his right over the land. Earlier rajas were different from later rajas. They did not have their capital or armies and they did not collect taxes. Some rajas were chosen by the Janas or People, but around ... Read More

Janapadas, Mahajanapadas

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:36:09

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Introduction With the beginning of the later Vedic period, Indo-Aryans shifted to the Gangetic plains of India and began to settle there. Initially, they used to live in tribal forms on a particular territory, called Janapadas. The rulers of these territories began to expand their areas in order to form great kingdoms, known as Mahajanapadas. Among these 16 Mahajanappadas became more powerful. Some of these were republics and others were monarchical. The rise of Mahajanapadas further set the stage for the rise of different empires in India. Now the kings of these newly established Mahajanpadas began to maintain their armies ... Read More

Jagannatha Cult-Indian Tradition

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 17:26:35

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IntroductionJagannatha Puri temple is one of the famous monuments built in Odisha by the ruler of Ganga dynasty.The cult symbolizes universal brotherhood by amalgamating tribal religious practices along with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and as per some religious and social analysts, the temple’s main deities, Jagannath, his elder brother Balabhadra, and younger sister Subhadra, are represented in black, white, and yellow. They depict the three major races of humanity. This is one of four pilgrimage sites or char dham in India. It is famous for the annual chariot race or Rath Yatra. The cult of Jagannath is considered to ... Read More

Islam and Sufism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:25:22


Introduction Sufi songs are popular in today's popular Hindi music and the dervish or fakir is also the creation of a part of the life quotes of day virtue and selflessness. Simply put, Sufism is a form of mystical philosophy whose aim is to achieve moral and mystical philosophy. The word Sufi has its roots in the Arabic word for wool 'Sufi' which refers to the coarse wool garments worn by sannyasis and even prophets and prophets. The word Sufi in Arabic means 'purity'. There are two shades of Sufis: Ba-Shara who believe in Islamic law and Be-Shara who do ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:22:26


Introduction The Indus Valley Civilization from 2700 BCE to 1800 BCE was destroyed in mysterious circumstances. There are a lot of theories about its destruction like the flood theory or changing river course theory. However, the most plausible and accepted one is the Aryan invasion theory. Under it, it has been argued that Aryans invaded India from the north-western border and destroyed civilization. Following the Indus age, the Vedic or the Chalcolithic age set in. This period and its people were not as advanced as the Indus people. The tools, occupations, houses, etc. were all relatively inferior. A town named ... Read More

Freedom is Our Birth Right

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 17:21:28

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Introduction The Indian National Congress was a party of moderates till the 1890s. By moderates, we mean those who were dominating figures of the Congress party, and most of the decisions were influenced by their views and opinions. They were the ones who believed that the Britishers are not as evil as they appear and they respect the classical idea of freedom and justice. So, we could achieve freedom if we work patiently, collectively, and steadily. So, they appealed through petitions, speeches, and articles. Some of the most famous moderates were Dadabhai Naroji, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, Gopalakrishna Gokhale, etc. ... Read More

Effects of Colonial Rule

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:13:15


Introduction With the arrival of British rule in India, the nomads were badly affected. They were restricted from moving from one place to another and they were denied the use of forest products. The nomads and Pastorals were not allowed to let their animals in protected forests. The only source of their livelihood which was cattle was badly impacted due to these new laws. Colonialism in 1898 No machine-readable author provided. Roke~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons There are various records which depict the movements of these Pastoral tribes across the ... Read More
