Found 649 Articles for Social Science

Later Mughals & Decline of Mughal Empire

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:59:46


The Mughal ruling period plays a significant role in shaping the future of India. They also had some notable works, which made them impactful rulers who ruled the country through seven generations. The first ruler Babur, who was the Chagatai Turkic prince, established the empire. It finally ended with Akbar-II and Bahadur Shah-II. Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire is also known as the “period of great Mughals”. It started with Babur in the year of 1526 A.D. and started falling in 1707 A.D with the death of the last powerful emperor Aurangzeb Who are the Later Mughals? The clashes ... Read More

Khilji Dynasty

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:58:48


The Khilji dynasty was able to rule the country of India for a span of three decades. This dynasty came to the country for the vast amount of wealth and resources that were stored in various provinces. The form of this government is known to be Sultanate as it was before the other rulers. This dynasty was installed as the Sultanate after the founder defeated the Mamluk dynasty. Origins of the Khilji Dynasty The origination of this dynasty is seen to come from the race of Turks and Afghans. The Khijis were known to be Turks before they ... Read More

India under the Mughals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:57:55


The Mughal dynasty was named the Muslim dynasty and they have the Turkic-Mongol origin. This dominion is famous for its rule for approximately two centuries. The familiarity of this empire lies in its administrative organization. This dominion was founded or established by a well-known ruler Babur whereas Aurangzeb was the last king of this empire. Social and economic conditions Different travellers describe the socio-economic condition of India and the traders also give much information. These peoples describe the prosperity as well as the wealth of this country and the luxurious lives of the kings. Some peoples present the suffering and ... Read More

Humayun (1530-1556)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:56:28


‘Humayun was the second emperor of the Mughal dynasty that invaded India. This emperor was known for his architectural splendour and extravagant lifestyle. He primarily ruled over the modern regions of Afghanistan, the northern region of India up to Bangladesh. His period of rule was quite tumultuous. Humayun Nasir-Ud-Din Muhammad Humayun was the eldest son of Babur, he was born in 1508 AD in the modern region of Kabul. He was the sole son of his mother Mahim Sultana. He had two brothers as well, Kamran and Skari but they were from different wives of Babur. He took participation in ... Read More

Early Medieval Southern India (Imperial Cholas)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:55:32


The Cholas for over 350 years conquered parts of south India and overthrew powers like Pallavas. They were also responsible for building numerous important temples throughout South India, influencing the cultural background of these areas. The kingdom saw its rise during the reign of Vijayala and fell during the reign of Kulottunga. The fall of the great empire happened mainly due to internal; conflicts. Who were the Imperial Cholas in early medieval Southern India? The Cholas were known to be one of the most influential Dynasties of early medieval South India. During this time they extended their kingdom up ... Read More

Bhakti Movement (8th to 18th Century)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:53:58


The seeds of Bhakti have been found in Vedas and worship of Lord Vishnu has started from that time. The female saints here used to reject all roles of women and all societal rules or guidelines against women and left their houses in order to become wandering bhaktas and remain involved in the Bhakti movement. Origin of the Bhakti Movement The word bhakti denotes devotion or a passionate love for the divine or gods. Several traces of the mystical union of the people with God have been found in the bhakti movement. According to some scholar, the bhakti movement was ... Read More

Arab and Turkish Invasions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:53:17

3K+ Views

Arab and Turkish invasions were one of the major successes while invading India. Therefore, they were able to invade the country due to a lack of military troops and unity in India. Due to the faith and lack of agreement in the country, the people of India faced discrimination and thus faced economic losses. However, due to the several issues that the country had faced this let the Turkish took advantage of the country and thus invaded the country. What were Arab Invasions in India? Muhammad-bin-Qasim during the era of the khaliphate belonged to Omar thus the troops of the ... Read More

Akbar Successors

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 15:52:05

2K+ Views

Jahangir or Salim the son of Akbar was the successor of the Mughal Dynasty after his father. Akbar was one of the greatest Mughal emperors of India who extended the Mughal power to almost all of India and its subcontinent. Shah Jahan, Aurangazeb were the successors of Mughal power after Jahangir. The great Mughal emperor Akbar was leaving the earth at sixty-three. Shah Murad, Jahangir and Danyal were the three sons of Akbar. His two brothers because of their drinking habits made Jahangir’s journey towards the throne simple. Who was Akbar? Akbar was the most successful and powerful king among ... Read More

Akbar (1556-1605)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 14:32:45


Akbar was the most powerful and popular Mughal empire in the Indian Kingdom. He revoked the Jizya and Pilgrim taxes to make the common people’s life easier. He was closely associated with various knowledgeable Hindu Pandits to learn from them and also appointed them to various important Government positions. He never restricted himself from interactions with the common people and listened to their troubles. Who was Akbar? Akbar was the third emperor of the Mughal Empire and was the son of Humayun, also known as the Bairam Khan. He became the emperor at a very early age and his father ... Read More

Administration under the Delhi Sultanate

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 14:27:48


The Sultanate of Delhi began with the Slave dynasty and was founded by Qutub-ud-din Aibak. He was the slave of Mohammad Ghori and this dynasty was also familiar as the Mamluk dynasty. There were also four more dynasties that came after this dynasty that was; the Khilji dynasty, Tughlaq dynasty, Sayyid dynasty and Lodhi dynasty. The end of this Sultanate happened in the Lodhi dynasty in the year 1526 What was the Delhi Sultanate? The Delhi Sultanate was the period of time when many Muslim dynasties were governed in India. This Sultanate was established by Mohamed Ghori in 1192 ... Read More
