Found 463 Articles for PowerShell

What is Array in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 06:40:16


An array is consists of a set of elements of the same data types or the different data types. When the output consists of more than one line then output or stored variable automatically becomes the Array. Its data type is Object[] or ArrayList and base type would be System.array or System.Object.For example, The output of IPConfig is an array.ExamplePS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Ethernet: Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local ... Read More

How to overwrite or remove PowerShell alias?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 07:58:30

4K+ Views

You can overwrite the Powershell alias by redefining it. For example, if the alias is created Edit for Notepad.exe and if you want to overwrite it with another program, say wordpad.exe then use the below command.We will overwrite the Edit alias cmdlet with Wordpad.exe using the Set-Alias command. When you close the PowerShell session, it will remove newly created aliases and modified aliases.Set-Alias edit "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"You cannot overwrite pre-defined aliases. It will throw an exception.For example, when you try to modify dir alias which points to Get-Content, error output will be as below.To remove newly created aliases without closing ... Read More

How to create PowerShell alias permanently?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:07:54

4K+ Views

PowerShell alias can be created permanently by 2 methods below.a) Import / Export AliasTo export all the aliases, you need to use Export-Alias cmdlet. When you use this command it will ask you the path for the file to import.To export the newly created alias, you need to give alias name and the name for the export, so later you can import it with the same name.In the below example, we have created alias name Edit for the Wordpad and we will export all the aliases with the name Alias1, so the newly created alias will also be stored and ... Read More

How to create new alias with PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:06:31


Anyone can create a new alias which is a shortcut to another command. To create your own alias you need to use Set-Alias cmdlet. Here, we will create a new alias Edit, which will open a Notepad.exe. First, we will check if Edit alias exists or not.$Alias:EditAs this is going to be a new Alias there will be no output for it. Now, we will create new alias by the below command. You can provide any program path and create an alias for it.Set-Alias Edit Notepad.exeJust check if this Edit alias created successfully or not.PS E:\scripts\Powershell> $Alias:Edit Notepad.exeThis new alias ... Read More

How to get all the aliases in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:05:45


In PowerShell, you will get all the alias and their commands using Alias: drive as shown below.Dir Alias:OutputHere, Alias: is the drive but surprisingly you will not find it in your operating system. This is the virtual drive and there are other virtual drives as well. You can list all the virtual drives using the below command.Get-Alias will provide the same result.The above output provides the individual alias and their commands for it. But to group them based on their cmdlets, you need to use Group-Object command.Dir Alias: | Group-Object DefinitionOutputYou will see in the output that aliases are listed ... Read More

How to get/resolve the command from the alias in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:03:32


To resolve the command name from given alias, you need to use the below command.$Alias:AliasNameFor example, $Alias:dirOR$Alias:lsOutputGet-ChildItemThis means the above commands will provide the same result. For example, the output of the below commands would remain the same.Get-ChildItem C:\ Dir C:\ ls COutputYou can also use Get-Alias to resolve the alias name. For example, Get-Alias -Name dirGet-Alias -Name lsUntil now we need to remember alias name to get the command and we were running individual commands to get the Alias and its command. It is possible to get all the alias names for the given command. To get all aliases ... Read More

What is an alias in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:02:55


In general, Alias means giving command to other names. In system admin life, they want short and familiar commands. PowerShell has verb-noun cmdlets that are very systematic but not practical in everyday life. So the System admins use PowerShell alias. For example - Dir or ls for the Get-ChildItem, cat or gc for the Get-Content.

How to get the list of all the commands available in the PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:01:44

2K+ Views

To get the list of all the commands installed in the system use the below command line. It will include all the Alias, Functions and Cmdlets.Get-CommandTo export them into the CSV file,Get-Command | Export-Csv D:\Temp\PowerShellcommands.csv - NoTypeInformationTo get only the cmdlets commands,Get-Command -CommandType CmdletSimilarly, you can get the commands for the alias and functions.If you want the list of commands starting with getting, you parameter –Verb.Get-Command -Verb GetTo get command starting with Set,Get-Command -Verb Set

How to start any program using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:01:03

12K+ Views

If you have noticed, you can start notepad and calculator or other standard system utilities with the Windows Run or through the PowerShell console directly by typing just their names, but not the wordpad.exe, word, excel or any other application. It will throw an exception.For example, just type notepad.exe in PowerShell console and it will open the program but type wordpad.exe there will be an error.wordpad.exe − The term 'wordpad.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the ... Read More

How to use PowerShell as a Calculator? Or How to use PowerShell for arithmetic operations?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:00:00

1K+ Views

You can use the PowerShell console to perform arithmetic operations, the same way the calculator does.To do the addition operation, 2+3Output − 5For complex, additional operations as well it is too quick.10024455 + 554668 + 9964455Output − 20543578Floating numbers operation, 5569899.65 + 554886.32Output − 6124785.97To perform subtract operation, 55564488556 - 55141256665 Output − 423231891With Integer and floating number subtraction, 5569899 - 554886.32Output − 5015012.68Divide Operation, 556989 / 554Output − 1005.39530685921Multiplication operation, 5533 * 445Output − 2462185Multiple Operations, (445 + 5443) * 332 / 32 Output − 61088When you perform any arithmetic operation, when values separated by command, it will give ... Read More
