Found 2 Articles for OpenSQL

Difference between Open SQL, Native SQL in SAP HANA

John SAP
Updated on 13-Dec-2019 06:44:16

1K+ Views

As you know SAP was not providing any db for ECC and it had to be purchased separately. When you call your database in ABAP program, you need to write a SQL. As R/3 from SAP works with most relational databases, a common set of features had to be used, with some SAP specific extensions which are translated by the ABAP kernel to be understood by the actual DB. This language is known as Open SQL language.When you develop only for one database, it uses native instructions. IT is developed in Native SQL. Now when you use SAP HANA as ... Read More

Identify all duplicates irrespective of the order of the input

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Indeed your problem is weird as the order is not fixed otherwise it was a straightforward requirement.In order to get your task done, you need to search in all names individually and to be sure that you don’t get the entries which are super set of your search, you need to place a length check as well.For e.g.: if there exists a entry with ‘Johnny Rambo’, it should not be returned as it contains John as well as Rambo. I hope you got my pointYou can place a filter like ('%' + name1 + '%') AND field = ('%' + ... Read More
