Found 47 Articles for History of Art

Late Antiquity: Definition, Overview & Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:22:18


Introduction Late Antiquity refers to the period between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD in the Mediterranean world, encompassing the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Middle Ages. It was a time of significant cultural and social change, marked by the decline of the classical Greco-Roman world and the emergence of new cultures and religions. During this period, the Roman Empire faced various challenges, including political instability, economic difficulties, and the threat of invasion by barbarian tribes. Terminology During the Late Antiquity period, several political, social, and cultural changes led to the development of new ... Read More

Important Artworks of the Roman Republic

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:39:38


Introduction The Romans were considered way ahead of their times. It was further proven in 509 BC when the Roman public overthrew the King and decided a Republic would rule them. They elected representatives, and they would lay their needs and expectations in the Roman Senate. With no supreme king to rule over the wealthy people, this system started a new trend that would revolutionize the world of Art. That is how the rise of making bronze sculptures came into existence. They were like true portraits, and the Romans captured the real face, and it was called Verism. Beginnings ... Read More

Greek Culture & Religion: Overview & Influences on Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:40:58


Introduction Greek culture and religion had a profound influence on the art of ancient Greece. The civilization, which existed from the 8th century BCE to the 6th century CE, was located in the geographical region of Greece and had colonies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Religion was central to ancient Greek society and deeply intertwined with daily life and culture. The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of the natural world and human affairs. This belief system is reflected in much of the art and architecture of ancient Greece, including ... Read More

Greek Art of the Geometric & Archaic Periods

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:41:50


Introduction Greek art refers to the body of visual arts produced in ancient Greece. Spanning a period from the Geometric period of 900-700 BCE to the end of the Hellenistic period in 31 BCE, it encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques. The art of ancient Greece is known for its realism, idealism, and harmony, as well as its emphasis on the human form. The most popular forms of Greek art were vase painting and sculpture. Geometric shapes and patterns characterized the Geometric Period, while the Archaic Period saw the development of the polis and the rise of the ... Read More

Etruscan Art: Characteristics, Materials & Processes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:42:46


Introduction Etruscan art refers to the artistic traditions of the same civilization, which flourished throughout Italy from 8th to the 3rd century BCE. The Etruscans were mostly famous for their sophisticated art and craftsmanship, and their artworks reflected their religious, social, and cultural practices.The art of ancient Greece heavily influenced Etruscan art, and many Etruscan artworks were produced by Greek artisans who worked in Etruscan cities. However, Etruscan art also had its distinctive features and styles, and it played an important role in the development of Roman art. Etruscan Civilization Art The Etruscan civilization was an age-old civilization that existed ... Read More

Art of Ancient Greece's Classical Period

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 13:09:49


Introduction The Classical period in ancient Greece was a time of great cultural and artistic achievement, lasting from the 5th to 4th centuries BCE. This period is characterized by a focus on realism and the ideal human form in art, with the use of the contrapposto stance in sculptures and the portrayal of mythological and historical scenes. The classical period also saw the development of the Corinthian order of architecture, and the use of the golden ratio in composition. The primary materials used were marble and bronze, and many examples of classical period art can still be seen ... Read More

Ancient Greek Pottery: Types, History & Facts

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 13:21:38


Introduction Ancient Greek pottery is a form of fine art that was produced in ancient Greece between the 11th century BCE and the 4th century CE. Pottery production was a widespread and important industry in ancient Greece, with many city-states, such as Athens, Corinth, and Thebes, having their own pottery workshops. Ancient Greek pottery was primarily made from clay and fired at high temperatures. The art of pottery production in ancient Greece was passed down from generation to generation. Ancient Greek pottery is considered some of the finest in the ancient world and has been widely exported throughout ... Read More

Ancient Greece: History & Culture

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 13:25:15


Introduction Ancient Greece was a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of antiquity (c. AD 600). It is primarily known for its art, philosophy, political science, and mathematics. The civilization produced some of the most famous figures in Western civilization, including Socrates, Plato, and Alexander the Great. The civilization was ended by the Roman conquest in 146 BC, and the subsequent Hellenistic period saw Greece's golden age continue in the form of the Byzantine Empire. The early Archaic period The first Greek colonies ... Read More

Art of the Babylonians: Style, Examples & Achievements

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 15:19:42

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Introduction Babylonian art is the art produced in the city of Babylon in ancient Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. The art reflects the culture, beliefs, and daily life of the people who lived in Babylon, and it was heavily influenced by the art of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Persians. Characteristics of Babylonian art include the use of bright colors and intricate details, as well as the depiction of religious and mythological subjects and scenes from daily life. The city of Babylon was also known for its impressive architectural achievements, such as the Hanging ... Read More

Art of the Ancient Near East: Periods & Characteristics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2023 14:40:02


Introduction The interaction between the divine and the human is frequently the subject of ancient Near Eastern art. A large portion of it has a religious theme and is intended for use in religious ceremonies or deity worship. Art from the ancient Near East is also political. It was employed by rulers to flaunt their authority and status. What is the Ancient Near East and how do we know about it?The term "ancient Near East" is used to refer to civilizations that flourished in what is now Turkey, the Mediterranean coast, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon between 3000 BCE and ... Read More
