Greek Culture & Religion: Overview & Influences on Art


Greek culture and religion had a profound influence on the art of ancient Greece. The civilization, which existed from the 8th century BCE to the 6th century CE, was located in the geographical region of Greece and had colonies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Religion was central to ancient Greek society and deeply intertwined with daily life and culture.

The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of the natural world and human affairs. This belief system is reflected in much of the art and architecture of ancient Greece, including temples, sculptures, pottery, and other artwork. Greek art and architecture, particularly sculptures and temples, are highly influential and continue to inspire art and design today.

Greek Civilization

  • Ancient Greece was a civilization that existed from around the 8th century BCE to the 6th century CE, known for its rich history, culture, and contributions to the world. It was located in the geographical region of Greece in southern Europe and in colonies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.

  • The civilization was made up of city-states, each with its own government and way of life, but shared a common culture and language. The most important city- states were Athens, Corinth, and Sparta.

  • The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to areas such as philosophy, politics, science, mathematics, theatre, and art. They developed a system of writing, the Greek alphabet, which made it possible for them to record their history, myths, and literature.

  • Religion was central to ancient Greek society and deeply intertwined with daily life and culture. The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of the natural world and human affairs. They also had a rich tradition of myths and legends that explained their beliefs and values.

  • The Greeks were known for their athletic games and the Olympic Games, which began in ancient Greece and lasted four years in Olympia. These games were a major cultural event, and winning was considered an honour and a demonstration of arete (excellence or virtue).

  • The Greeks were also known for their seafaring abilities, and their trade and colonizing activities spread their culture and influence throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.

Uniqueness of Greek Civilization

  • The Greeks were one of the first civilizations to develop a system of writing, the Greek alphabet, which made it possible for them to record their history, myths, and literature.

  • They were also one of the first societies to develop democracy.

  • The Greeks made significant contributions in the field of philosophy and science, laying the foundation for Western philosophy and many scientific and mathematical principles.

  • Greek art, particularly sculpture and architecture, was highly influential and continues to influence art and design today.

  • The Greeks believed in the concept of arete, which translates to excellence or virtue, and this idea was reflected in all aspects of their culture, including art.

  • They were known for their athletic games, and the Olympic Games began in ancient Greece and were held every four years in Olympia.

Culture and Religion Influence Art

  • Greek art was heavily influenced by religion and mythology. Many artworks depict gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters from Greek myths.

  • Temples were also an important form of Greek art and architecture, often decorated with sculptures and other artwork.

  • The human form was common in Greek art, with sculptures and pottery depicting people in various poses and activities.

  • The Greeks believed that art should be beautiful and harmonious, and this idea is reflected in the balance and symmetry found in much Greek art.

  • The Greeks were also influenced by their worldview and understanding of the natural world, reflected in their art.

  • The Greeks have had a significant influence on the art of the Western world, and many of the artistic principles and techniques developed by the ancient Greeks are still used today.


In conclusion, Greek culture and religion had a significant impact on the art of ancient Greece. The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of the natural world and human affairs, which was reflected in their art and architecture. Their artwork, particularly sculptures and temples, was heavily influenced by religion and mythology, depicting gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters from Greek myths. The Greeks believed that art should be beautiful and harmonious, and this idea is reflected in the balance and symmetry found in much Greek art.


Q1 − What was the main function of Greek temples?

A − Greek temples were primarily used for religious worship and served as a home for the god or goddess to whom the temple was dedicated. They were also used for rituals and ceremonies, and were often decorated with sculptures, friezes, and other artwork.

Q2 − What were some common materials used in Greek sculpture?

A − Marble and bronze were the most common materials used in Greek sculpture. Marble was used for larger statues, while bronze was used for smaller, more detailed works. Other materials, such as terra cotta, stone, and wood, were also used.

Q3 − What was the role of sports in ancient Greek culture?

A − Sports played a significant role in ancient Greek culture, as the Olympic Games, which began in ancient Greece, were held every four years in Olympia. Athletic competitions were considered an important part of education and a way to promote physical fitness and excellence. Athletic achievements were also an important aspect of Greek society, as they were seen as a demonstration of arete (excellence or virtue) and were highly valued.

Updated on: 12-Dec-2023


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