Found 14 Articles for Environmental Chemistry

Agricultural Chemistry

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 17:04:44


Introduction “Agriculture chemistry” is the biochemistry and chemistry study involving agricultural production. It involves the processing of raw materials into food and Agri products. The study of agriculture chemistry comprises the study of agricultural production, the interaction of plants, bacteria, animals, and their environment. It is a branch of science that deals with the composition of both chemistry and biochemistry. In agriculture chemistry, we study the production of food, Agri products, and beverages from raw materials. The material used in the production of agricultural products are herbicides, growth regulators, fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. Agricultural chemistry aims to increase the ... Read More

Global Warming due to the Greenhouse Effect

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:23:27


Introduction We are burning fossil fuels and livestock and cutting forests that increase the global temperature and cause climate change. These activities release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc. which are the main causes of the greenhouse effect. The sun radiates the earth by visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared, these lights are arrested around 70 % by the ocean and earth's surface, and the remaining gets back to space. Due to greenhouse gases, these radiations get trapped in the earth's atmosphere and cause an elevation in the earth's temperature. What is the Greenhouse Effect? In around ... Read More

Importance of Air

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:59:47


Introduction It is readily possible to find air, which is a gift of nature. It is a crucial component of nature that renders life on earth conceivable. Atmospheric pressure is established by the heaviness of the air. The percentages of the several gases that make up air are as follows: the presence of carbon dioxide is 0.04%, argon is 9%, oxygen is 21%, nitrogen is 78%, and extremely trace amounts of certain other gases and water vapour. Animals ought to absorb the oxygen-rich air to engage in aerobic respiration. CO2 is demanded by plants for the photosynthetic process. What is ... Read More

Green Chemistry the Alternative Tool

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:11:01


Introduction Green chemistry is introduced because of increased pollution of our environment. The use of hazardous chemicals in the chemical industry has been a serious threat that causes pollution. Paul Anastas is the father of green chemistry in which he proposed 12 principles of green chemistry that are effective against major pollution in our environment. In his research work, he put forward new chemicals and new techniques for the synthesis of several organic compounds. It is a breakthrough in the science field. Since it is an environmentally and economically efficient method. The word green is given to green chemistry since ... Read More

Effects of Radioactive Pollution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 14:13:51


Introduction Radioactive pollution is produced from the environmental radioactive waste that already exists. The inappropriate disposal of radioactive wastes may be to blame for numerous life-threatening scenarios that exist in the environment. Its negative impacts on people, animals, as well as the environment are widespread. Large reprocessing facilities with a 5000-ton annual capacity may be found in nations like France, Russia, & the UK. India, a growing nation, is looking at safe ways to dispose of trash that may be dumped into the ground or a river. To lessen the impact that radioactive materials have on the environment, the government must take ... Read More

Difference Between Vaporization and Evaporation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 12:00:45


Introduction In nature, vaporization and evaporation are 2 processes that frequently occur. The real causes of why we want to water our garden in the summer and why milk boils in a pot on the stove are evaporation and vaporization. In reality, evaporation is a form of vaporization that occurs in our environment. Therefore, evaporation occurs more often than other vaporization processes like boiling. Although these two terms seem to have comparable meanings, there are still significant variances between them. These two processes barely vary from one another on a molecular level. Both are happening at various temperatures and surfaces. ... Read More

Dependence of Life on Water

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:19:52


Introduction Water is the most fundamental requirement for all living forms on earth to survive. This is realistic to claim that water seems to be the case that Earth has been the only planet capable of supporting life. Water is regarded as the most important as well as a necessary component for the existence of all living forms on Earth. Humans rely heavily on water to meet all their needs. As a result, the analysis of water is critical. Several tests were carried out on it, and often a significant quantity of data has been collected. Water is indeed a ... Read More

Effects of Environmental Pollution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:44:43


Introduction Environmental pollution is caused by adverse changes in our environment, which damages a variety of plants, and animals, including humans. Contaminants lead to environmental pollution. They are any substances that can pollute the environment. It could be solid, liquid, or gaseous. It is produced in large concentrations because of certain human activities as well as natural events. This problem is increasing over the period. The ecological crisis is worsening by the day, and it must be discussed so that its adverse consequences on society & environment can be reduced. What is Pollution? Pollution exposes us to the universe of ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 10:33:40


Introduction Deforestation is a human activity that means clearing forest areas or removing the trees from the land to make the area clear for construction or other works. Deforestation is a bad practice if it is done in a larger manner and without any proper planning. Forests are very important for all forms of life present on the earth. It provides shelter to various animals and other life forms, it purifies the air we breathe, it also provides food materials, fuel materials, etc. It prevents soil erosion and plays a very important role in climate change. The major reasons for ... Read More

Difference Between CNG and LPG

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:15:24


Introduction Both CNG, as well as LPG, are forms of fuel. CNG stands for compressed natural gas, whereas LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. They can be used as gasoline substitutes. CNG is squeezed significantly more tightly than LPG. Since it compresses more energy into such a small area, it is a superior automobile fuel. LPG was originally adopted as a handy fuel source in 1860, as its supply or even usage for domestic and industrial applications has grown dramatically since that day. CNG burning releases less harmful gases than that of alternative fuels. Natural gas is less likely to ... Read More
