Agricultural Chemistry


“Agriculture chemistry” is the biochemistry and chemistry study involving agricultural production. It involves the processing of raw materials into food and Agri products.

The study of agriculture chemistry comprises the study of agricultural production, the interaction of plants, bacteria, animals, and their environment. It is a branch of science that deals with the composition of both chemistry and biochemistry. In agriculture chemistry, we study the production of food, Agri products, and beverages from raw materials. The material used in the production of agricultural products are herbicides, growth regulators, fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. Agricultural chemistry aims to increase the agricultural yield, improve the quality and fertility of the soil, and enhance crop yield.

What is Agricultural Chemistry?

The process of producing livestock, crops, and other food products is known as agriculture. In the modern era, agriculture includes horticulture, agronomy, dairying, soil chemistry, animal husbandry, etc. Chemistry involves the study of organic, inorganic, and agricultural products. So the application of both agriculture and chemistry that deals with the production, and improvement of crops is known as agricultural chemistry. The application of chemistry in agriculture includes photosynthesis, fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides, irrigation, storage of agricultural produce, food processing, chemicals, etc.

Importance of Agricultural Chemistry

Chemistry has a vital role in the production of crops and livestock, controlling pathogens, insects, and weeds in crops, and enhancing crop production. The population of the world is increasing day by day. To fulfil the demand of the increasing population, agricultural chemistry not only enhances the resources of crop production but also uses crops and crop waste in the production of renewable fuel, and feedstocks. We know that plants produce food through the photosynthesis process. It is a natural phenomenon, but with the help of chemistry in agriculture, we get the knowledge of the mechanism involved in the photosynthesis process. This helped us increase the production of crops.


  • Agriculture chemistry helps improve the quality of soil by testing soil and nutrients present in the soil.

  • Fertilizers − They are both organic and inorganic compounds, and are available naturally and synthetically. They are added to the soil during agriculture to enhance crop production. Fertilizers are added to soil that provides macro and micro nutrients necessary for crop production.

  • Pesticides and Insecticides − Pesticides and insecticides are the chemicals used during crop production to minimize the damage caused by insects and pests.

  • Agriculture chemistry helps in the storage of food products like sulphur dioxide is used to keep the grains fresh for long-term use. Salicylic acid and Sodium benzoate is used for the preservation of food and increasing the shelf life of food.

  • Many chemicals like saccharin and vitamins and sweeteners are used to enhance the flavours and nutritional value of food.

  • Now modern agricultural chemistry is using crop and food waste for the production of renewable energy fuels, and beverage production. Example − Production of alcohol from bagasse, Use of Jatropha plant in fuel production.

Type of Material Products
Food Refined oil, Butter, cheese, etc.
Petroleum Kerosene, Diesel, Petrol, etc
Construction Mortar, glass, chemicals, and chemical compounds.
HouseHold cooking gas, food process.

Haber-Bosch Process

The Haber-Bosch process is a method of synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. It was developed by the German scientist Fritz Haber. Later, scientist Carl Bosch translated this process into large-scale industrial production of ammonia using a catalyst and high pressure. It was the first chemical reaction that uses high pressure. In this process atmospheric nitrogen combines with the hydrogen under high pressure (150 bar and at 400oC) in presence of a catalyst. This process is also known as the Harber ammonia process, the Synthetic ammonia process.


Scientists find ways to produce nitrogen artificially that is used as fertilizers in agriculture production.

Haber-Bosch Process

Purpose of Agriculture Chemistry

The purpose of agriculture chemistry is to enhance crop production by using pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and other chemicals. In modern chemistry, the crops and other crop wastes are utilized for the manufacturing of biofuels, and the production of beverages.

  • With the advancement of agriculture, chemistry improves irrigation techniques by using plastic pipes, drip irrigation techniques, sprinkler systems, etc. This has enhanced crop production by improving irrigation and giving a favourable climate.

  • It has developed preservatives like salicylic acid and sodium benzoates and other chemicals to improve the shelf life of food products.

  • Applied science in agricultural chemistry improves the quality, and yield of crops and reduces the production cost.

  • A branch of agriculture chemistry Chemurgy is worked on the utilization of agricultural products as raw material for further production like oil production, petroleum, cooking gas, etc.

Importance of Agricultural Chemistry in multifunctional Crop Production:

We are using fertilizers, pesticides, and new techniques to produce new varieties of crops. This has enhanced the negative impact on our environments like pollution, biodiversity loss, and reduced soil quality. To reduce these now farmers are using environmentally friendly organic fertilizers.

To improve the quality of food production and produce crops under sustainable development experts have developed environment-friendly fertilizers. Other practices included are crop rotation, soil testing, mosaic-like soil cover, etc. Multifunctional crop production is referred to as the use of agricultural activities beyond food production like renewable natural source management, biodiversity and landscape conservation, rural employment, food security, etc. For example, apart from food production, agricultural chemistry is providing employment, farm education, farm shops, agricultural management, providing stable food, and non-trade benefits of agriculture.


We have studied that agricultural chemistry is a branch of science that is concerned with a combination of both chemistry and agriculture production. It helps in the production of agricultural products and the processing of food and beverages from raw materials. It establishes the relationship between the environment, microbes, plants, and animals. It helps improve the quantity and quality of food. Agriculture chemistry includes not only chemistry and agriculture but microbiology, genetics, physiology, entomology, ecology, etc.


1. What are organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers are derived from the living system like animal manure, compost of fruits and vegetables, and fish. The organic waste is decomposed by the micro- organism in the soil. It is rich in potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

2. What are inorganic fertilizers?

Inorganic fertilizers are produced artificially like the production of ammonia by Haber-Bosch Process, Urea, etc.

3. Name a few chemicals used in the food processing industry?

There are a few chemicals used in food processing these are sweeteners, saccharin, aspartame, Methycyclopropane Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, etc are used for the preservation of food.

4. What are pesticides and insecticides?

Pesticides are chemicals used to prevent crops from pests, weeds, fungus, etc. Insecticides are chemicals used to kill insects that harm the crop or livestock. Examples are Dinirto-phenols, quinazolines, nicotinoids, etc.

5. What are soil nutrients, and why are these essential in agriculture?

Soil contains many macro and micronutrients that are essential for the growth of plants. Some Macronutrients are magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc. Soil tests are necessary nowadays for the good health of the soil

Updated on: 24-Apr-2024


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