

A synthetic element is called darmstadtium. Mendeleev foresaw it and gave it the name eka-platinum, which was later changed to element 110. It was created in 1994 at the German GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg. Its symbol is Ds. Nickel $\mathrm{(Ni)}$ isotope blasted lead $\mathrm{(Pb)}$ isotope, resulting in the production of one atom of the isotope $\mathrm{(Ds)\:-\:269}$. Nine atoms of $\mathrm{Ds\:-271}$ were produced by bombarding $\mathrm{Ni}$ ions using the same technique. The element was given the name Darmstadt after the German city where it was found.

Facts about Darmstadtium

  • The element is one of the most newly found elements, having been synthesised on November 9, 1994, in a German research lab.

  • A 1 atom sample of 𝐷𝑠 was isolated by a group of German researchers who found elements 107 through 109.

  • 𝐷𝑠 position on the periodic table was occupied by ununnilium (π‘ˆπ‘’π‘›) even before its original discovery.

  • The IUPAC officially allotted its current name in the year 2003.

  • Hardly a few atoms of the element have ever been produced by this procedure.

  • The element is a part of the group 10 elements in the 7π‘‘β„Ž period as a d-block transition element.

  • It is not confirmed, but 𝐷𝑠 is thought to behave similarly to platinum (𝑃𝑑).

  • It is thought to have properties like nickel $\mathrm{(Ni)}$, palladium $\mathrm{(Pd)}$, as well as platinum $\mathrm{(Pt)}$.

Ds Element

This element has an atomic no. (𝑍) of 110 & was created artificially. As a result, it is also known as element 110 in chemistry. In the periodic table, 𝐷𝑠 represents its chemical symbol. 𝐷𝑠 is extremely radioactive as well as scarce in nature. This substance has unique physical but also chemical properties.

Darmstadtium Physical Properties

Property Value
Atomic no. (𝑍) 110
Chemical Symbol 𝐷𝑠
B.P. Unknown
Group 10
Period & Block 7 – d
State It is solid at 20 0C, it is classed as a transition metal.
Electron Configuration $\mathrm{Rn\:5f^{14}6d^{9}7s^{1}}$
Colour Unknown
M.P. Unknown
Density 34.8 𝑔/π‘π‘š3
Structure Body-Centred Cubic (BCC).

Darmstadtium Chemical Properties

𝐷𝑠 is a radioactive element that exists in nature. Its chemical composition is still being completely studied. Chemical research that is statistically significant is needed because of the extremely short half-lives of isotopes and the great volatility of their complexes. When the element combines with fluorine (𝐹), darmstadtium hexafluoride is created to form a less volatile complex

Property Value
Ionisation Energy 960 𝐾𝐽/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™
Oxidation States 0, +2, +4, +6, +8
Toxicity Because of its extremely unstable circumstances, any produced amount quickly moves to another element. As a result, its impacts on health are unknown.


During the time of preparation, the reaction was carried out by bombarding lead (𝑃𝑏)- 208 atoms with rapid nuclei of nickel (𝑁𝑖)-62 in a heavy-ion accelerator. The group established 1 single atom of the 𝐷𝑠 isotope 𝐷𝑠-269


A heavier nickel ion, 𝑁𝑖 - 64, was used in this comparison test series, & after 2 runs, the group was able to establish 9 𝐷𝑠- 271 atoms.



The element has 9 different isotopes. None of the element’s isotopes is stable because it is an artificial element. Isotopes are created through the decay of heavier elements or the fusion of 2 light nuclei. Heavier isotopes are more stable than lighter isotopes. All of the isotopes decay via alpha decay or spontaneous fission, & none of the isotopes decays via beta decay.

Half-life Isotopes
$\mathrm{6.7\:ms}$ 𝐷𝑠 – 280
$\mathrm{10\mu\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 267
$\mathrm{12.7\mu\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 281
$\mathrm{240\:\mu\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 273
$\mathrm{205\:\mu\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 270
$\mathrm{3.5\:ms}$ 𝐷𝑠– 277
$\mathrm{0.21\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 279
$\mathrm{230\:\mu\:s}$ 𝐷𝑠– 269
$\mathrm{90\:ms}$ 𝐷𝑠– 271

Darmstadtium Electron Configuration

An electrically neutral atom has the equivalent no. of electrons (π‘’βˆ’) as it does protons. As a result, the neutral atom of 𝐷𝑠 has 110 electrons (π‘’βˆ’). The electric fields (e.f.) created by the +ve nuclear charge as well as the other (𝑍 βˆ’ 1) βˆ’ve electrons (π‘’βˆ’) in the atom influence each electron (π‘’βˆ’).

The atomic no. (𝑍) identifies the various chemical elements because the no. of electrons, as well as their arrangement, are liable for atoms' chemical behaviour. The arrangement of these electrons is determined by quantum mechanics principles. The no. of electrons in individual elements' electron shells, particularly the outermost valence shell, determines its chemical bonding behaviour. The elements in the periodic table are listed in chronological order.

Configuration of Electrons βˆ’ $\mathrm{Rn\:5f^{14}6d^{9}7s^{1}}$


Electrons Per Shell βˆ’ 2,8,18,32,32,16, 2


The element "Darmstadtium" got its name from the German city of Darmstadt, where it had been found. The element is not naturally produced, but it is synthesised in a research lab. It was discovered in Germany by Peter Armbruster as well as Gottfried MΓΌnzenberg under the supervision of Sigurd Hofmann. Darmstadtium has nine known isotopes, all of which are immensely radioactive. The isotope 281-𝐷𝑠 are the most stable of all known 𝐷𝑠 isotopes, with a half-life of only 12.5 s.


1. What are 𝑫𝒔 environmental impacts?

The element transfers to another element in a matter of a few seconds due to its short life span. As a result, it cannot harm the environment.

2. Give importance as well as applications of 𝑫𝒔 element?

𝐷𝑠 & its isotopes are used in lab settings. It is commonly used in scientific research in chemistry. 𝐷𝑠 has no commercial application due to its radioactivity but also short half- life.

3. What are the health hazards of Darmstadtium?

Because it is so unstable, any quantity constituted would disintegrate to other elements so rapidly that studying its effects on human health is pointless. 𝐷𝑠 is highly radioactive & must be handled with extreme caution.

4. What is the longest stable Ds isotope?

𝐷𝑠- 281 has the longest stable isotope of the element, with a half-life of approximately 12.7 s.

5. Give information on Darmstadtium protons as well as neutrons?

Ds is an element with the atomic no. (𝑍) 110, indicating that its nucleus contains 110 protons. The no. of protons in the nucleus is known as the atomic no. The nucleus' total electrical charge is thus +𝑍𝑒, where the elementary charge corresponds to 1,602 ΰΈ€ 10βˆ’19 coulombs.

The no. of neutrons in an atom's nucleus is referred to as the atom's neutron no. so is represented by the symbol 𝑁. The sum of the neutron, as well as atomic no. (𝑍), equals the atomic mass no. $\mathrm{(A)\::\:N\:+\:Z\:=\:A}$. The neutron excess is defined as the difference between the neutron no. as well as the atomic no. $\mathrm{\therefore\:D\:=\:N\:-\:Z\:=\:A\:-\:2Z}$

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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