Found 235 Articles for Economics

What is the meaning of eCommerce store?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


E-Commerce or Electronic commerce is a process of selling, buying, exchanging or transferring products, services, and information via electronic networks and computers.A brief history of E-commerce1970’s: Electronic commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically, using technology such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic funds transfer (EFT), allowing businesses to send commercial documents like purchase orders or invoices electronically.1980’s: The growth and acceptance of credit cards, Automated teller machines(ATM), Telephone banking, Airline reservation system.1990’s: The internet commercialized and users flocked to participate in the form of dot coms or internet start-ups. Innovative applications ranging from online direct sales to e-learning ... Read More

Where is World Bank situated and what are its functions?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The term World Bank is generally used for the actual name of the bank which is “The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” (IBRD). This is an international financial institution whose main purpose is to assist its member countries in their development of its territories and also try and increase the promotion for funding. In the process of promoting for funding the bank can help the underdeveloped countries in getting investments and it also helps in promoting the long-range trading that eventually ends up increasing the growth of the international trade.The IBRD, also known as the world bank was established ... Read More

What are the basic differences between customers, consumers and clients?

Hansika Rani
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

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There is no much difference between a consumer and a client. The businesses which offer services rather than products call their customers as clients. Both consumer and client are the end users who actually use the product.When it comes to the customer, a consumer may be a customer but not every customer is a consumer. To explain it further, every customer need not be the consumer who actually uses the product. He may buy the product to pass on to the actual consumer or he may use it for himself.

How are bullion rates fixed on a daily basis?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Fixing: It is an agreement between participants on the same side of a market to buy or sell precious metals at a fixed price. The other purpose of fixing could be to maintain market conditions in order to let the price stay at a given level.Bullion: Bullion is gold, silver or any other precious metal in the form of coins or bars. The word bullion comes from Louis XIII, Claude de Bullion.Bullion FixingThere are different participants in this process of Bullion fixing.StepsThe lead participant begins the fixing process.He proposes a price near the current gold spot price.The other participants then simulate ... Read More

What leads to poverty in society and how to overcome that?

Rani RPS
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Poverty is described as a condition where people live in penury, lead hand to mouth existence and are underfed. Peoples’ basic needs of clothing, food, and shelter are not met and their standard of living is poor. They have no means of support and find it extremely difficult to lead a normal comfortable life.What leads to poverty in society?Lack of good education as they cannot afford the fees.Lack of good food to eat leading to malnourishment, ill-health, and stamina.Lack of proper clothing to keep themselves warm and healthy or presentable to attend schools in uniform.Lack of support system either in ... Read More

What are the things one need to keep in mind before investing in mutual funds?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


If you are looking to invest in capital markets and create wealth with comparatively low-risk exposure than the stocks, investing in mutual funds would be a smarter choice. Moreover, it’s important to start earlier as it helps you earn and save more in the long run while lowering your exposure to the equity markets. When I started investing in mutual funds, there were a few things I had in mind:Know Your GoalYou must have a goal in mind before you plunge into and wish to make a profit from mutual funds. For example, you may want to invest for short-term ... Read More

What is the latest news from SBI regarding minimum balance?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


SBI announces slashing its charges for not maintaining minimum balance by 75% which will be effective from April 1st, 2018. SBI has previously announced that the Metro and Urban customers are requested to maintain Rs. 3000 minimum balance from October 1, 2017. Customers in semi-urban areas were required to maintain RS. 2000 monthly balance and rural branches required customers to have a minimum balance of Rs. 1, 000.The charges being levied for non-maintenance of minimum balance was a bit high which were slashed down by 75% after considering the view of various stakeholders. The freshly revised average monthly balances for ... Read More

What do the terms 'Future' and 'Options' mean in share market?

Knowledge base
Updated on 21-Apr-2022 11:06:49


Future and Options are the common forms of derivatives. The major difference lies in the way the gains are received by the different parties.An option is having the buyer right to buy or sell a share. But it is not an obligation to buy or sell a share at a certain specified time or price, during the duration of the contract.A Future contract gives an obligation, which is to buy a specified asset to the buyer, as well to a seller to sell or deliver that asset at a specific future date unless the holder’s position is closed prior the ... Read More

What do the terms copay, Coinsurance and Deductibles mean?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Copay, Coinsurance, and Deductibles are the insurance terms mostly used in the US.CopayThis is the amount paid by patients to the doctors, as per the rules of the insurance company. The amount to be paid by the patients is decided by the insurance company, while it doesn’t help in paying any amount.CoinsuranceAlmost all the US citizens have health insurance, usually multiple ones. Some might have only one and in that case, the remaining amount to be paid after the first insurance payment is called as Coinsurance.The patients usually have three types of insurances called Primary, secondary and tertiary.If a patient ... Read More

Being a beginner, should I go for blue-chip companies or mid-cap to invest in a mutual fund?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


Before leading up to the stairs of the share market, investors, especially beginners experience the dilemma between what to choose and what not. Investors come across a number of situation where they have to choose one over the other. For instance, Blue Chip or Mid Cap. Let’s find out what exactly they are?Blue Chip CompaniesIn a layman’s terms, a Blue Chip company holds a huge market share, a huge number of customers, grand brand value, offer good liquidity in stocks, render great turnover in business, tracked by all Stock Research houses etc. These are some bright sides of a Blue ... Read More
