Found 546 Articles for Cyber Security

Practical Steps to Successfully Eliminate Cyber Threats

Uday Mitra
Updated on 05-May-2023 10:18:20


Cybersecurity is more crucial than ever in today's interconnected society. With the prevalence of modern security risks, organizations must have a reliable protection system. We've all heard stories of companies that were hacked and had to pay hefty penalties or even went out of business as a result. There are far too many potential dangers to ignore, including ransomware and phishing, which might be disastrous to your livelihood if you do. The best way to protect yourself and your business from cybercriminals is to take precautions before they happen, and in this post, we'll show you 10 of the best ... Read More

What is a Trojan Malware? The Ultimate Guide

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:15:37


In computer security, a Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a malware that masquerades as benign software to get access to your system. A Trojan is a malicious program that may destroy, disrupt, steal, or otherwise inflict harm on your computer system or data. A Trojan pretends to be a legitimate program or file to deceive its target. Its purpose is to trick you into downloading and running malicious software on your computer or mobile device. Once a Trojan is implanted, it may carry out its intended function. There is no such thing as a Trojan or Trojan horse virus, yet ... Read More

Vulnerability in Security: A Complete Overview

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:13:40


To advance in their jobs, today's IT professionals need to know the basics of cybersecurity. By 2027, the estimated value of the cybersecurity industry worldwide will be $281.74 billion. That's why it's crucial to be aware of and prepared for potential internal and external cyberattacks, regardless of whether your area of expertise is in networks, hardware, or software. What follows is a synopsis of security flaws and what knowledge IT specialists need to keep one step ahead. Vulnerabilities in Information Security If hackers find a security flaw in your system, they can use it to break in and steal sensitive ... Read More

Best Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking Books

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:09:41


Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing industry in today's world. As a result, many new avenues are opening for prospective employees in cybersecurity. A few books will prove helpful in your pursuit of cybersecurity knowledge. This post will guide you through the top cybersecurity and ethical hacking books. In these books, you can find new ideas and answers to your cybersecurity questions. What Is Cybersecurity? Let's review the basics of cybersecurity before we get into the top recommendations for this topic. Cybersecurity is defending computer systems, networks, and the data stored within them from intrusion and digital attacks. Cyberattacks are what ... Read More

Explain Data Loss Prevention and How Does it Work?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 10:58:32


DLP can be defined as technologies that perform content inspection and contextual analysis of data while it is in transit over the network. It is used on a managed endpoint device while stored in on-premises file servers or rested on them. These solutions act in reaction to stated policies and procedures, mitigating the potential for sensitive information to be leaked or exposed outside of approved channels. Enterprise DLP and Integrated DLP are the two leading families of DLP tools. How it Works? To fully grasp any DLP solution, it is crucial to understand the distinction between content awareness and contextual ... Read More

What is Threat Modeling: Process and Methodologies?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 10:53:17


In the modern age of information technology, cybersecurity is still one of the most pressing concerns due to the increasing number of hacking occurrences. Because of the widespread digitization of so many facets of our life, both the public and private sectors stand to suffer significant losses in the event of a data breach. Consequently, specialists in the field of cybersecurity are positioned to have various safeguards and preventative measures to ensure the safety of sensitive data and transactional records. It is a massive task, especially considering the sheer quantity and diversity of such assaults that are accessible today. As ... Read More

How to Earn the Best Cybersecurity Salary?

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 10:48:46


In this day and age, proper safeguards against cybercrime are necessary for any contemporary company's continued existence, expansion, and prosperity. Cybersecurity professionals will be in high demand for at least until the year 2023. Even though cyber security is rapidly expanding, finding qualified experts to work on it may take time and effort. The value of the worldwide cybersecurity industry is expected to increase to $202 billion by 2023, up from $170 billion in 2017. It represents a growth rate of 17%. The number of vacant positions in the field of cyber security has soared throughout the last few years. ... Read More

Top 20 Cyber Security Statistics You Must Know About

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 10:46:48


In August and September, the New Zealand Stock Exchange was one of the most targeted cyber attacks, leading to many trades suspension. Simultaneously, EasyJet, a global low-cost airline with its headquarters in London, said that a sophisticated breach had led to the disclosure of the personal information of around 9 million customers. The report published by The Wall Street Journal stated that malicious malware was implanted into the Orion program developed by the information technology firm SolarWinds. Hackers could access sensitive information from various institutions in the United States, including hospitals, universities, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies. According to ... Read More

Trends, Challenges, and Solutions with IoT Cybersecurity

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 10:45:00


Consumers and businesses alike have gotten used to the concept that sophisticated computer facilities handle such as data collecting, processing, and analysis. These facilities are responsible for managing the acquisition of data. In large part, this development may be ascribed to the IoT, which is expected to have 64 billion linked devices in operation all over the globe by 2026. According to projections provided by Business Insider, customers will have spent close to $15 trillion on Internet of Things (IoT) devices, solutions, and infrastructure by the time 2023 rolls around. Presents Increasing Security Risks The rapidly developing Internet of Things ... Read More

Top Network Security Certifications and How to Choose the Right One

Uday Mitra
Updated on 02-Jan-2023 11:02:53


Network security is the foundation for protecting a company from the assaults of malicious hackers and other behavior that might occur online. Given the forecasts that cybercrime will cost the global economy $6 trillion by 2021, it is not difficult to see why network security has become such a hot subject in recent years. On the other hand, there is an overwhelming number of credentials for cybersecurity, which is to be anticipated given the vast number of different types of assaults. Even though it is helpful to have a broad selection of alternatives to select from when it comes to ... Read More

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