Found 10805 Articles for Python

How to Display the multiplication Table using Python?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:36:28


You can create the multiplication table for any number using a simple loop. exampledef print_mul_table(num):    for i in range(1, 11):       print("{:d} X {:d} = {:d}".format(num, i, num * i)) print_mul_table(5)OutputThis will give the output5 X 1 = 5 5 X 2 = 10 5 X 3 = 15 5 X 4 = 20 5 X 5 = 25 5 X 6 = 30 5 X 7 = 35 5 X 8 = 40 5 X 9 = 45 5 X 10 = 50

How to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers using Python?

Samual Sam
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:35:19


You can create a list of the three numbers and call the max method to find the largest among them. examplemy_list = [10, 12, 3] print(max(my_list))OutputThis will give the output −12ExampleIf you want to calculate it yourself, you can create a simple function likedef max_of_three(a, b, c):    if a > b and a > c:       return a    elif b > c:       return b    else:       return c print(max_of_three(10, 12, 3))OutputThis will give the output −12

How to print current date and time using Python?

Abhinanda Shri
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:31:00

5K+ Views

You can get the current date and time using multiple ways. The easiest way is to use the datetime module. It has a function, now, that gives the current date and time. exampleimport datetime now = print("Current date and time: ") print(str(now))OutputThis will give the output −2017-12-29 11:24:48.042720You can also get the formatted date and time using strftime function. It accepts a format string that you can use to get your desired output. Following are the directives supported by it.DirectiveMeaning%aLocale's abbreviated weekday name.%ALocale's full weekday name.%bLocale's abbreviated month name.%BLocale's full month name.%cLocale's appropriate date and time representation.%dDay of the month ... Read More

How to Solve Quadratic Equation using Python?

George John
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:28:41


You can use the cmath module in order to solve Quadratic Equation using Python. This is because roots of quadratic equations might be complex in nature. If you have a quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, then,Exampleimport cmatha = 12 b = 8 c = 1 # Discriminent d = (b**2) - (4*a*c) root1 = (-b - cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) root2 = (-b + cmath.sqrt(d)) / (2 * a) print(root1) print(root2)OutputThis will give the output(-0.5+0j) (-0.16666666666666666+0j)

How to Calculate the Area of a Triangle using Python?

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 17-Jun-2020 12:42:15


Calculating the area of a triangle is a formula that you can easily implement in python. If you have the base and height of the triangle, you can use the following code to get the area of the triangle,def get_area(base, height):    return 0.5 * base * height print(get_area(10, 15))This will give the output:75If you have the sides of the triangle, you can use herons formula to get the area. For example,def get_area(a, b, c):    s = (a+b+c)/2    return (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) ** 0.5 print(get_area(10, 15, 10))This will give the output:49.607837082461074

How can we do the basic print formatting for Python numbers?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 17-Jun-2020 12:39:20


You can format a floating number to the fixed width in Python using the format function on the string. For example, nums = [0.555555555555, 1, 12.0542184, 5589.6654753] for x in nums:    print("{:10.4f}".format(x))This will give the output0.5556 1.0000 12.0542 5589.6655Using the same function, you can also format integersnums = [5, 20, 500] for x in nums:    print("{:d}".format(x))This will give the output:5 20 500You can use it to provide padding as well, by specifying the number before dnums = [5, 20, 500] for x in nums:    print("{:4d}".format(x))This will give the output5 20 500The website is a great resource ... Read More

How to generate statistical graphs using Python?

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


Python has an amazing graph plotting library called matplotlib. It is the most popular graphing and data visualization module for Python. You can start plotting graphs using 3 lines! For example, from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Plot to canvas plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 1]) #Showing what we plotted This will create a simple graph with coordinates (1, 4), (2, 5) and (3, 1). You can Assign labels to the axes using the xlabel and ylabel functions. For example, plt.ylabel('Y axis') plt.xlabel('X axis') And also provide a title using the title ... Read More

How to generate a random 128 bit strings using Python?

Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:21:59

2K+ Views

You can generate these just random 128-bit strings using the random module's getrandbits function that accepts a number of bits as an argument. exampleimport random hash = random.getrandbits(128) print(hex(hash))OutputThis will give the output −0xa3fa6d97f4807e145b37451fc344e58c

How to generate all permutations of a list in Python?

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:20:55


You can use the itertools package's permutations method to find all permutations of a list in Python. You can use it as follows −Exampleimport itertools perms = list(itertools.permutations([1, 2, 3])) print(perms)OutputThis will give the output −[(1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 2), (2, 1, 3), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2), (3, 2, 1)]

How to find time difference using Python?

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 05-Mar-2020 10:19:02

1K+ Views

It is very easy to do date and time maths in Python using time delta objects. Whenever you want to add or subtract to a date/time, use a DateTime.datetime(), then add or subtract date time.time delta() instances. A time delta object represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times. The time delta constructor has the following function signatureDateTime.timedelta([days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]]]]]]])¶Note: All arguments are optional and default to 0. Arguments may be ints, longs, or floats, and may be positive or negative. You can read more about it here example of using the time ... Read More
