Found 57 Articles for DevOps

MLOps vs DevOps

Neetika Khandelwal
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 06:32:10


It would have often occurred that the development team has moved on to a new project while the operations team provides feedback on the previous one. This caused the deadline to be pushed back, for the entire software development cycle or machine learning model development cycle. For this reason, IT has adopted the new ways of working for preparing software and machine learning models, they are MLOps and DevOps. In this blog, you will get to know about these terms and how they differ. What is DevOps? The term DevOps stands for Development + OperationS. It is a method in ... Read More

Differences Between MLOps, ModelOps, AIOps, DataOps

Neetika Khandelwal
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 06:30:17


In the IT industry, each of these operational domains is cross-functional and provides a distinct value. And each of the Ops domains stems from a common broad mechanism of agile concepts, which were originally initially developed for the guidance of software developers for their development, but now have spread its wings to other domains of related technologies that are data-driven applications, AI, and ML. In this post, you will come across the popular terms in the world of Artificial Intelligence that have emerged to great extent. What is MLOps? MLOps is a collaboration and communication platform for data scientists and ... Read More

Best MLOps Tools & Platforms 2022

Neetika Khandelwal
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 06:28:24


MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) has become a trend in the current world of Artificial Intelligence. There are several operations that are part of any machine learning process. This includes data versioning, feature engineering, model monitoring, experiment tracking, model serving, model deployment, etc. There are several tools and platforms in the market that could help you with these processes and get your work done efficiently with proper risk analysis. However, before you choose a product or platform for your project, you should thoroughly research it. Furthermore, you must ensure that the tools are compatible with the rest of your stack. So, ... Read More

What is MLOps?

Neetika Khandelwal
Updated on 26-Aug-2022 06:26:07


A collection of methods, tools, and approaches are considered for a machine learning project to be successful and MLOps is a wide phrase that encompasses these approaches. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is a set of methods where data scientists and operations experts come together to collaborate and communicate. It's a machine-learning version of DevOps that's been tweaked to meet various ML components, such as changing data and the addition of new development jobs, such as ML engineers and data scientists. It's gradually becoming a stand-alone method for ML lifecycle management. Data collection, model generation, continuous integration/continuous delivery, orchestration, deployment, diagnostics, ... Read More

Difference between DevOps and SysOps

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 21-Jul-2022 12:16:35


The introduction of cloud computing was a significant step in the advancement of technology and carries with it an exciting prospect for the future. The debate between SysOps and DevOps is becoming increasingly prominent as a result of the proliferation of new technologies that are entering the field of cloud computing.What is DevOps?The culture of software development known as DevOps encourages close cooperation between the software development team and the operations team in order to boost both collaboration and productivity. In addition to this, the technique entails the implementation of DevOps concepts and practices, as well as the use of ... Read More

Difference between Agile and DevOps

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 05-Jul-2022 12:33:28


There are three key milestones in the evolution of software development. The waterfall method, which focuses on the time required to release a product, was introduced first. The agile technique followed, which optimised the development life cycle.DevOps now aims to bring development and operations together as a single team. It boosts productivity, promotes collaboration, and produces better goods.What Exactly is Agile?In the SDLC process, Agile Methodology entails continual iteration of development and testing. This style of software development focuses on iterative, incremental, and evolutionary development.The agile development approach divides the product into smaller components and assembles them for final testing. ... Read More

DevOps – A Solution To Quick Releases

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 09:23:58


Quickly releasing a new product or new features to the market is a challenging task for the organizations worldwide. The toughest job is to bring together all the distinct groups such as Development, Quality Assurance and IT Operations to get the work done in a quickest way to release the product as soon as possible.It has been seen that processes and practices are kept on evolving to overcoming those challenges. Just a decade ago there is no such term called DevOps exists in our corporate world, but later in 2009, a methodology defined a set of processes to collaborate and ... Read More
