Classification of Chromatography

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:18:41


Introduction Chromatography is a laboratory technique, especially in the analytical field used to separate a mixture of components present in a chemical species. There are different types of chromatographic techniques For the separation of mixtures into their units in the laboratory, the chromatographic technique is used. So, the method which involves the separation of a specific mixture into its respective elements is given the name chromatography. It is done by using a mobile phase and stationary phase. The mobile phase carries away distinct components through the stationary phase present in a mixture because the effect of the solvent is different ... Read More

Classification of Solids Based on Crystal Structure

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:15:26


Introduction The most common sort of solid material found in nature is crystalline solids. They are composed of atoms, ions, & molecules arranged in exact & repeating 3-D patterns, resulting in a crystal lattice that spans in all directions in a well microscopic structure. Unlike amorphous materials, crystalline solids have discrete melting temperatures. Network atomic, metallic, ionic, & molecular solids, as well as real solids, are all crystalline solids. Crystals have generally sharp, well-defined melting temperatures, owing to the uniformity of the crystalline lattice, which creates identical local conditions. As an outcome, the solid's intermolecular interactions are consistent, & each ... Read More

Clemmensen Reduction

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:13:43


Introduction Erik Christian Clemmensen, a Danish chemist, published in 1913 that simple ketones, as well as aldehydes, interacted using amalgamated zinc in the existence of 40 percent aqueous HCl and a hydrophobic solvent including toluene can generate the respective alkanes after many hours of transit. Until then, the Clemmensen reduction is often used to refer to the process of reducing carbonyl groups to such equivalent methylene groups. This is a method for deoxygenating aldehydes and ketones to yield the equivalent hydrocarbon. The substrate would have to be acid resistant. The Clemmensen Reduction connects the Wolff-Kishner Reduction, which would be ... Read More

Coagulation of Colloidal Solutions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:12:06


Introduction Colloids are type particles that contain particles with a size more than atoms and molecules but are small enough to be visible by the naked eye. The studies regarding colloids began in the 19th century itself. In the 1820s Robert Brown discovered the random motion of colloidal particles present in a liquid with the help of a microscope. Which is then called Brownian motion. And it developed because of the bombardment of colloidal particles. Smoke, clouds, etc. are colloids. They are dispersions of solid particles with a size of 1 nm to 0.1micrometre range. And these particles have characteristic ... Read More

Electronegativity of Elements in Modern periodic Table

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:10:49


Introduction Jöns Jacob Berzelius proposed the word "electronegativity" in 1811. The propensity of an atom of a particular chemical element to draw the shared pair of electrons when a chemical connection is formed is called electronegativity. The symbol for it is X. The bond energy, the direction and strength of a bond's chemical polarity, and other bond properties can all be quantitatively estimated using electronegativity. It is unusual for the more electronegative atom to fully dominate the bond pair of electrons in covalent bonds where there is a significant difference in the electronegativities of the bound atoms, leading to ... Read More

Ferrous Sulphate

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Mar-2024 11:08:52

Introduction Ferrous sulphate or Iron (II) sulphate is the salt of the metal Iron and has a chemical formula FeSO4. Its main use is for the treatment of patients suffering from anaemia, Iron deficiency. The reactions of iron with sulphuric acid result in the formation of some salt. Further studies identified the two salts that had been formed by the reaction. The salt formed is ferrous sulphate and ferric sulphate. The appearance of ferrous sulphate is in a way that it has a greenish appearance, so it is named green vitriol. Both these salts have several industrial applications. Even though ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:25:13


Introduction In terms of the development of chemistry, germanium was discovered very recently. Natural germanium derivatives tend to be water-insoluble, like aluminium and silicon, and so have low oral toxicity. Some copper ores and sphalerite zinc ores are used as the primary sources of germanium for extraction. Transistors and other electronic devices employ the semiconductor element germanium. In the past, germanium was the only material used for the first ten years of semiconductor electronics. What is Germanium? Germanium is an element in the periodic table that is listed in the periodic table's 4th period and 14th group. Germanium has ... Read More

Global Warming due to the Greenhouse Effect

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:23:27


Introduction We are burning fossil fuels and livestock and cutting forests that increase the global temperature and cause climate change. These activities release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, etc. which are the main causes of the greenhouse effect. The sun radiates the earth by visible light, ultraviolet, and infrared, these lights are arrested around 70 % by the ocean and earth's surface, and the remaining gets back to space. Due to greenhouse gases, these radiations get trapped in the earth's atmosphere and cause an elevation in the earth's temperature. What is the Greenhouse Effect? In around ... Read More

Grignard Reagent

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:21:52


Introduction Organometallic reagent called the Grignard reagent was created by French Scientist Victor Grignard. The symbol for it is RMgX. R stands for the alkyl group-containing molecule of carbon, which makes it an organic component, while Mg stands for magnesium which is metal. In the illustration, the X is a halide. It is alkyl magnesium halide as a result. While the link between Mg & X is ionic, the organometallic link is covalent. Ethyl magnesium Bromide & Phenylmagnesium Bromide are two instances of Grignard reagents. Extremely reactive is the Grignard reagent. This happens when magnesium's electron pair is transferred to ... Read More

Heat Capacity: Relation Between Cp and Cv

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:18:57


Introduction Heat capacity or thermal capacity is described as the quantity of heat essential to alter the temperature of an item by 1 unit. Heat capacity is an intrinsic attribute of material & may alternatively be described as the ratio of the quantity of heat absorbed by a system to the shift in temperature. Define Heat Capacity When heat is absorbed by an object, the temperature rises; when heat is released, the temperature falls. The total kinetic energy of the components that comprise a body is measured by its temperature. When heat is absorbed by a body, it is transformed ... Read More
