APT vs APT-GET What's Difference

If you're a Linux user, you may have come across terms APT and APT-GET before. While both terms refer to package managers used to install and manage software on Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu, they have some key differences. In this article, we'll explore differences between APT and APT-GET, and how they affect way you manage software on your system.

What is APT?

APT, short for Advanced Package Tool, is a command-line package manager used on Debian-based Linux distributions. It's primary package manager used on Ubuntu, and it can be used to install, update, and remove software packages on your system. APT is built on top of a package management system called DPKG, which handles installation and removal of individual packages.

One of primary benefits of using APT is its ability to handle package dependencies. When you install a package using APT, it automatically installs any other packages that are required for that package to run. This ensures that all necessary dependencies are met, and that software runs smoothly on your system.

Another advantage of APT is its ability to manage repositories. A repository is a collection of software packages that are hosted online, and APT can be configured to use one or more repositories to install software on your system. This makes it easy to install software from different sources, and ensures that you have access to latest versions of software you need.

What is APT-GET?

APT-GET is a command-line tool that is part of APT package manager. It's used to install, update, and remove packages from your system, much like APT. However, APT-GET is a more low-level tool that gives you more control over package management process.

When you use APT-GET to install a package, it downloads package from a repository and installs it on your system. However, it doesn't automatically install any dependencies that package requires. Instead, you need to use "sudo apt-get install -f" command to install any missing dependencies.

APT-GET can also be used to perform other package management tasks, such as updating your system, removing packages, and cleaning up package files that are no longer needed.

Differences Between APT and APT-GET

While APT and APT-GET are both package managers used on Debian-based Linux distributions, there are some key differences between two. Here are some of most significant differences −

Level of Control

APT-GET gives you more control over package management process, while APT is more automated and handles package dependencies for you.

User Interface

APT has a more user-friendly interface than APT-GET, making it easier for new users to manage software packages on their system.


APT has a different set of commands than APT-GET, which can take some time to learn if you're used to using APT-GET.


APT is more compatible with newer versions of Debian-based distributions, while APT-GET may be more compatible with older versions of these distributions.

Examples of Using APT and APT-GET

Let's take a look at some examples of how you can use APT and APT-GET to manage software packages on your system.

Installing a Package with APT

To install a package using APT, simply run "sudo apt install packagename" command. For example, to install Chromium web browser, you would run following command −

sudo apt install chromium-browser

APT will automatically download and install any dependencies required for Chromium to run.

Installing a Package with APT-GET

To install a package using APT-GET, you need to run two commands. First, run "sudo apt-get update" command to update list of available packages on your system. Then, run "sudo apt-get install packagename" command to install package. For example, to install GIMP image editor, you would run following commands −

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gimp

APT-GET will download and install GIMP package, but it won't install any missing dependencies. If there are any missing dependencies, you'll need to use "sudo apt-get install -f" command to install them.

Updating Packages with APT

To update your system with APT, run "sudo apt update" command to update list of available packages, and then run "sudo apt upgrade" command to upgrade any packages that have updates available. For example, to update all packages on your system, you would run following commands −

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

APT will automatically download and install any updates, including any dependencies required for updates.

Updating Packages with APT-GET

To update your system with APT-GET, run "sudo apt-get update" command to update list of available packages, and then run "sudo apt-get upgrade" command to upgrade any packages that have updates available. For example, to update all packages on your system, you would run following commands −

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

APT-GET will download and install any updates, but it won't install any missing dependencies.

Another key difference between APT and APT-GET is way they handle package configuration files. When you install a package using APT-GET, it prompts you to configure package by asking you a series of questions. This can be useful if you need to customize package's configuration to suit your needs. However, it can also be time-consuming and confusing for new users.

APT, on other hand, uses a "debconf" system to manage package configurations. "debconf" system automatically configures packages based on pre-set defaults, without requiring any input from user. This can make package installation process faster and more efficient, especially if you're installing multiple packages at once.

Finally, APT and APT-GET also have different ways of handling package errors. APT is designed to handle errors more gracefully than APT-GET, and will often provide more helpful error messages that can help you diagnose and fix issue. APT-GET, on other hand, can sometimes give cryptic error messages that are difficult to understand.


APT Command

Equivalent APT-GET Command

apt update

apt-get update (with colored output)

apt upgrade

apt-get upgrade –with-new-pkgs

apt install, apt reinstall, apt remove, apt purge

identical to their apt-get commands (adds progress output during the dpkg run)

apt full-upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade

apt autoremove

apt-get autoremove

apt satisfy

apt-get satisfy


APT and APT-GET are both powerful package managers used to manage software packages on Debian-based Linux distributions. While they have some key differences, both tools are useful for managing software on your system. APT is more automated and user-friendly, while APT-GET gives you more control over package management process. Ultimately, tool you choose to use will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Updated on: 02-May-2023

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