An observer \( 1.5 \) metres tall is \( 20.5 \) metres away from a tower 22 metres high. Determine the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the eye of the observer.


An observer \( 1.5 \) metres tall is \( 20.5 \) metres away from a tower 22 metres high. 

To do:

We have to determine the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from his eye.


Let $AB$ be the tower and $CD$ be the observer who is $20.5\ m$ away from the tower.

From the figure,

$AB = 22\ m, CD=1.5\ m, AC=20.5\ m$

This implies,

$AE=CD=1.5\ m, DE=AC=20.5\ m$ and $BE=22-1.5=20.5\ m$

Let \( \theta \) be the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the eye of the observer.

In $\Delta \mathrm{BDE}$,

$\tan \theta=\frac{\text { Perpendicular }}{\text { Base }}$

$\Rightarrow \tan \theta=\frac{\mathrm{BE}}{\mathrm{DE}}$



$=\tan 45^{\circ}$         [Since $\tan 45^{\circ}=1$]

$\Rightarrow \theta=45^{\circ}$

Therefore, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from his eye is $45^{\circ}$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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