An electric heater of resistance $8\ \Omega$ draws $15\ A$ from the service mains $2\ hours$.Calculate the rate at which heat is developed in the heater.


An electric heater of resistance $8\ \Omega$ draws $15\ A$ from the service mains $2\ hours$.

To do:

To calculate the rate of heat developed in the heater.

Solution: The rate of the heat developed by the heater is the power of the heater.

The formula used to calculate power:

The power of the heater, $\boxed{P=I^2R}$

Here, $P\rightarrow$ Power 

$I\rightarrow$ Current

$R\rightarrow$ resistance

As it is given that,  the resistance $R=8\ Ω$

Current $I=15\ A$

Time $T=2\ hr$

On submitting above given values in the formula,

$P=15^2\times 8$


$=1800\ Watt$

Thus, the rate of the heat developed by the heater is $1800\ Watt$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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