Alternative for blink tag

The HTML <blink> tag is used to create a blinking effect on texts. The text inside this tag would flash on and off at a default rate. The main purpose of this tag is that it can draw attention of the user. However, this tag is no longer supported and it is deprecated in HTML 4.0 version and is no longer supported in modern browsers.

Instead, we can use CSS animations or JavaScript as an alternative for the “<blink>” tag.


Following is the syntax of HTML <blink> tag −

<blink> The text to blink. </blink>


In the following example, we are using the HTML <blink> tag to make a text blink.

   <title>Alternative for " <blink>" tag </title>
   <h3 style="text-align:center">The <span style="color:red">blink</span> tag is no longer supported in HTML5. </h3>
   <p style="text-align:center">
      <blink> Welcome to tutorialspoint </blink>

As we can see in the output, the text is not blinking because the HTML <blink> tag got deprecated and it will not work in modern browsers. However, we can still perform this operation using the CSS and JavaScript.

CSS @Keyframes

CSS @Keyframes rule is used to create animation sequence based on a set of CSS property values. The set specifies the stages of animation (from 0% to 100%), where 0% is the beginning of the animation and 100% is when the animation is complete.

We can change the CSS properties and values that should be applied at various points during the animation. Using this rule, we can perform the blink animation for a HTML text element.

Following is the syntax of CSS @keyframes rule −


@keyframes animationname {keyframes-selector {css-styles;}}


In the example below, we are performing the blinking operation using CSS, as an alternative of using the deprecated <blink> tag. Here, we are using the CSS “@Keyframes” rule to get the blinking animation or effect that changes the opacity of the target text from 1 to 0 and back to 1 over a period of 1 second.

   <title>Alternative for " <blink>" tag </title>
      @keyframes blink {
         0% {
            opacity: 1;
         50% {
            opacity: 0;
         100% {
            opacity: 1;
      #blinking-text {
         animation: blink 1s infinite;
      h3 {
         text-align: center;
      p {
         text-align: center;
      span {
         color: red;
   <h3>Here we are performing the <span>blink</span> operation using the CSS. </h3>
   <p id="blinking-text">Welcome to tutorialspoint</p>

As we can see in the window, the text element is blinking infinitely.

JavaScript SetInterval() Method

In JavaScript, the setInterval() method is used to call a particular function repeatedly with a fixed time delay between each call. This method is useful in various scenarios such as creating animations, updating data, or refreshing a web page automatically.

Following is the syntax of setInterval() method −

setInterval(function, milliseconds, param1, param2, ...)


In the following example, we are using JavaScript to toggle the visibility property of the text element between "visible" and "hidden" at a specified interval (400 milliseconds using the setInterval() method), creating a blinking effect.

   <title>Alternative for " <blink>" tag </title>
      #blinking-text {
         visibility: hidden;
      h3 {
         text-align: center;
      p {
         text-align: center;
      span {
         color: red;
   <h3>Here we are performing the <span>blink</span> operation using the JavaScript. </h3>
   <p id="blinking-text">Welcome to tutorialspoint</p>
      const blinkingText = document.getElementById('blinking-text');
      setInterval(function() { = ( == 'hidden') ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
      }, 400);

As we can see in the window, the text element is blinking for every 400 milliseconds.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2023


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