Alternate method to find DBA from given IP address


A database administrator (DBA) is responsible for maintaining, securing and managing a database. In today's digital world, databases play a crucial role in storing and retrieving important data. Therefore, it is important to know how to find the DBA of a given IP address. In this article, we will discuss an alternate method to find the DBA of a given IP address.

Method 1: Using WHOIS

WHOIS is a protocol that is used to retrieve information about a domain name or IP address. This method can be used to find the DBA of a given IP address. To use this method, you need to visit a WHOIS lookup tool such as or Once on the website, enter the IP address in the search bar and click on the search button. The WHOIS lookup tool will then retrieve information about the IP address, including the DBA's contact information.


Let's say we want to find the DBA of the IP address 100.200.300.400. We will go to and enter the IP address in the search bar. The WHOIS lookup tool will then retrieve the following information −

Registrant Name: John Smith
Registrant Organization: XYZ Company
Registrant Email:

From the above information, we can see that John Smith is the DBA of the IP address 100.200.300.400, and he works for XYZ Company.

Method 2: Using IP Lookup Tools

IP lookup tools are another way to find the DBA of a given IP address. These tools retrieve information about an IP address, including the DBA's contact information. Some popular IP lookup tools include and To use this method, simply enter the IP address in the search bar and click on the search button. The IP lookup tool will then retrieve information about the IP address, including the DBA's contact information.


Let's say we want to find the DBA of the IP address We will go to and enter the IP address in the search bar. The IP lookup tool will then retrieve the following information −

Registrant Name: Jane Doe
Registrant Organization: ABC Corporation
Registrant Email:

From the above information, we can see that Jane Doe is the DBA of the IP address, and she works for ABC Corporation.

Method 3: Using DNS Records

DNS records can also be used to find the DBA of a given IP address. DNS records contain information about a domain name, including the IP address and contact information of the DBA. To use this method, you can use a DNS lookup tool such as or Once on the website, enter the IP address in the search bar and click on the search button. The DNS lookup tool will then retrieve information about the IP address, including the DBA's contact information.


Let's say we want to find the DBA of the IP address 150.250.350.450. We will go to and enter the IP address in the search bar. The DNS lookup tool will then retrieve the following information −

Registrant Name: Michael Johnson
Registrant Organization: LMN Inc.
Registrant Email:

From the above information, we can see that Michael Johnson is the DBA of the IP address 150.250.350.450, and he works for LMN Inc.

Method 4: Contacting the ISP

Another way to find the DBA of a given IP address is to contact the Internet Service Provider (ISP) associated with the IP address. The ISP can provide information about the owner of the IP address, including the DBA's contact information. To use this method, you can contact the ISP directly or use a tool such as to find the ISP associated with the IP address. Once you have the contact information for the ISP, you can reach out to them to request information about the DBA.


Let's say we want to find the DBA of the IP address We will go to and enter the IP address in the search bar. The tool will then retrieve the following information −

ISP: XYZ Internet Services
Contact Email:

From the above information, we can see that XYZ Internet Services is the ISP associated with the IP address We can then reach out to them by emailing to request information about the DBA.


Finding the DBA of a given IP address is important for security and management purposes. The methods discussed in this article, including using WHOIS, IP lookup tools, DNS records, and contacting the ISP, can all be used to find the DBA of a given IP address. It's worth noting that these methods may not work in all cases, but they are a good starting point. Additionally, it's important to verify the accuracy of the information obtained through these methods before taking any action.

Updated on: 30-Jan-2023


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