Adding space between Numbers and Alphabets in Strings using Python

When working with strings that contain a combination of numbers and alphabets, it can be beneficial to insert a space between the numbers and alphabets. Adding this space can improve the readability and formatting of the string, making it easier to interpret and work with.

Further, we will explore a technique to achieve this using Python. Python provides powerful tools for string manipulation, and we will utilize the re module, which is the built-in module for working with regular expressions. Regular expressions allow us to match and manipulate strings based on specific patterns, making them ideal for solving this task.

Additionally, we need to install the re module, which provides the necessary functionality for working with regular expressions. If you don't already have it installed, open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command 

xpip install regex

Now that we have the necessary prerequisites in place, let's proceed to the implementation steps.


Import the required modules −

import re

The first code snippet imports the necessary module, re, which is the built-in module in Python for working with regular expressions.

Define a function add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets that takes a string as input and returns the modified string 

def add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string):
   pattern = r'([a-zA-Z])(\d)'
   repl = r'\1 \2'
   modified_string = re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
   return modified_string

In the above code, we define a regular expression pattern r'([a-zA-Z])(\d)' which matches a single alphabet followed by a single digit. The pattern uses two capturing groups: the first group captures the alphabet, and the second group captures the digit.

The repl variable holds the replacement pattern r'\1 \2', which adds a space between the two captured groups.

The re.sub() function is used to search for occurrences of the pattern in the input string and replace them with the replacement pattern. The modified string is then returned.

The second code snippet defines the add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets function. This function takes a string as input and uses regular expressions to match the desired pattern of a single alphabet followed by a single digit. The re.sub() function is then used to replace the matched pattern with the desired format, adding a space between the alphabet and the digit. The modified string is returned as the output.

Test the function with sample inputs −

string1 = "abc123"
result1 = add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string1)
print(result1)  # Output: "abc 123"

string2 = "xyz456def"
result2 = add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string2)
print(result2)  # Output: "xyz 456def"

In the above code, we create two sample strings string1 and string2. We pass each string to the add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets function and print the modified results.

The third code snippet demonstrates the usage of the add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets function with sample inputs. Two strings, string1 and string2, are created and passed to the function. The modified results are printed, showing the strings with the added space between the numbers and alphabets.

Handling Multiple Instances

In the previous implementation, the regular expression pattern r'([a-zA-Z])(\d)' and replacement pattern r'\1 \2' only handle a single instance of an alphabet followed by a digit. However, there might be cases where the string contains multiple instances of such combinations.

To handle multiple instances, we can modify the implementation to use the re.sub() function with a callback function as the replacement argument. This allows us to perform custom logic for each matched pattern.

Here's an updated version of the add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets function that handles multiple instances 

def add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string):
   pattern = r'([a-zA-Z])(\d)'
   def add_space(match):
      return + ' ' +
   modified_string = re.sub(pattern, add_space, string)
   return modified_string

In this updated version, we define a new function called add_space that takes a match object as input and returns the modified string with a space added between the alphabet and the digit.

We then pass this function as the replacement argument to re.sub(), allowing it to handle multiple instances of the pattern and apply the custom logic for each match.

Now, when we test the function with sample inputs 

string = "abc123xyz456"
result = add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string)
print(result)  # Output: "abc 123 xyz 456"

The function successfully adds spaces between all the instances of alphabets and digits in the string.

Handling Different Formats

In the previous implementation, we assumed that the input string would always have a single alphabet followed by a single digit. However, there might be cases where the string follows different formats, such as alphabets followed by multiple digits or digits followed by alphabets.

To handle different formats, we can modify the regular expression pattern to be more flexible. Here's an updated version of the pattern that handles different formats 

pattern = r'([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+)'

In this updated pattern, we use the + quantifier to match one or more occurrences of alphabets and digits. This allows the pattern to handle formats like alphabets followed by multiple digits or digits followed by alphabets.

Now, when we test the function with sample inputs −

string1 = "abc123xyz456"
result1 = add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string1)
print(result1)  # Output: "abc 123 xyz 456"

string2 = "123xyz789abc"
result2 = add_space_between_numbers_and_alphabets(string2)
print(result2)  # Output: "123 xyz 789 abc"

The function successfully handles different formats and adds spaces between the alphabets and digits in the strings.


We explored how to add space between numbers and alphabets in strings using Python. We utilized the re module and regular expressions to match the desired pattern and used the re.sub() function to replace the matched pattern with the desired format.

You can use this technique to improve the readability or formatting of strings that contain a combination of numbers and alphabets in your Python projects. Remember to import the re module and apply the regular expression pattern to achieve the desired results.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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