What is Python equivalent of the ! operator?

In some languages like C / C++ the "!" symbol is used as a logical NOT operator. !x it returns true if x is false else returns false. The equivalent of this "!" operator in python is logical NOT, It also returns true if the operand is false and vice versa.


In the Following example the variable operand_X holds a boolean value True, after applying the not operator it returns False.

operand_X = True
print("Input: ", operand_X)

result = not(operand_X)
print('Result: ', result)


Input:  True
Result:  False


For False value the not operator returned True to this example.

operand_X = False
print("Input: ", operand_X)

result = not(operand_X)
print('Result: ', result)


Input:  False
Result:  True


In this example we have applied the not operator to the string object X, and the operator returns False.

X = "python"
print("Input: ", X)

result = not(X)
print('Result: ', result)


Input:  python
Result:  False


The empty list is treated as False in python, due to this the not operator returned True for the empty list object.

li  = []
print("Input: ", li)

result = not(li)
print('Result: ', result)


Input:  []
Result:  True


Following is another example

print("not(10 < 20): ",not(10 < 20))
print("not(10 > 20): ",not(10 > 20))
print("not(True = True): ",not(True == True))


not(10 < 20):  False
not(10 > 20):  True
not(True = True):  False

Updated on: 09-Sep-2023

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