6 ways to hold a virtual group meeting

Virtual meetings offer a powerful way for students to collaborate, both for online classes and live lectures. When you don’t have the time or facilities to get together in person, these services will help you host an efficient group study session or meeting.

Create Unlimited Groups with Rcampus

This free site allows users to create and participate in an unlimited number of study groups for free. Each Rcampus group receives a home page and message center for easy sharing. The group’s creator or moderator is responsible for maintaining the home page and deciding who has access to the group. All messages and files are kept completely private. Your name and login name are the only details shared with other members, so you can network comfortably with classmates without sharing personal information.

Enjoy Personal Interaction with Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts allows you to video conference with up to 10 people at a time. If you want to spark a lively face-to-face debate, or simply give your group a more personal touch, this is a refreshing departure from chat rooms and message boards. According to this infographic by CampusBooks.com, regular study groups are a great way to improve your study habits. With Google Hangouts, participants can access the group on a smartphone, tablet, or computer, making it easier for everyone to participate often.

Interact with Thousands at OpenStudy

OpenStudy is a thriving online community that can connect you with tens of thousands of other students. You can meet new students through shared interests and interact in study groups that are sorted by topic. Ask questions, assist others, and participate in these lively online gatherings. The more you participate, the higher your score on the site. Access is completely free. While this site can connect you with a vast network of other users, it lacks the personal touch of a small group of peers and you may not know how reliable the information you’re getting is.

Host a Meeting with WebEx

WebEx is traditionally used as a business solution, but this very application makes it an excellent choice for business students who may benefit as much from sharpening their WebEx skills as they do from the topic of the study group. You can easily share files, host your own presentation, and chat with others in the group using this sleek platform. If you’re looking to hold professional meetings instead of casual study groups, this is definitely the option to go for.

The downside to WebEx is that the higher level features aren’t free. A free plan is available for groups of up to three people, but this bare bones version lacks the applications, storage, remote control, and call-in features available with paid versions.

Network via Fuze

Like Google Hangouts, Fuze offers multiple video streams so you feel like you’re in the room with the other participants in your meeting. This platform supports up to 12 HD video conference streams. Desktop sharing, whiteboards, and full resolution PowerPoints make it easy to share your own presentation or collaborate on a group project. Compatible with Outlook and Google Calendar, Fuze works well with busy schedules. A free version of Fuze is available, but you’ll enjoy more features with a paid subscription.

Gather Hundreds of Participants With AnyMeeting

AnyMeeting will support online meetings of up to 200 participants. A group this size is inefficient for intimate study sessions, but this platform can offer you an unparalleled opportunity to poll large groups or practice big presentations with masses of friends and family supporting you. You can even sell tickets to your meetings, giving you a chance to profit from your stellar lecture skills. An ad supported version is available for free, but you can access additional features and ditch the advertising for a fee.

Improve your grades in any subject by collaborating with other students. This type of regular interaction will make it easier to stick to a schedule. Discussing thoughts, ideas, and questions with others can also greatly increase your understanding of a subject, providing unbeatable benefits for students.

Updated on: 09-May-2022


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