4 Free Shell Scripting eBooks for Linux Newbies and Administrators

As Linux continues to gain popularity as an operating system for servers and other computing devices, need for skilled Linux administrators is on rise. One crucial skill for any Linux administrator is shell scripting. Shell scripting is process of creating programs that automate tasks in a Linux environment, making it easier and faster for administrators to manage their systems.

If you are new to Linux or are looking to improve your shell scripting skills, there are several free ebooks available to help you get started. In this article, we will explore four free ebooks that are perfect for Linux newbies and administrators looking to learn more about shell scripting.

"Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook, Second Edition" by Shantanu Tushar and Sarath Lakshman

The "Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook, Second Edition" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about shell scripting in a Linux environment. This ebook is packed with practical examples and tips to help you get started with shell scripting.

Some of topics covered in this ebook include −

  • Basic and advanced shell scripting concepts

  • Shell variables and data types

  • Working with files and directories

  • Regular expressions and pattern matching

  • Debugging shell scripts

Here is an example of a simple shell script from book −

echo "Enter your name:"
read name
echo "Hello, $name! Welcome to world of shell scripting."

This script prompts user to enter their name and then displays a welcome message using their name.

"The Linux Command Line" by William E. Shotts, Jr.

"The Linux Command Line" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about Linux command line interface (CLI). While this ebook is not specifically focused on shell scripting, it does cover many of fundamental concepts that are essential for shell scripting.

Some of topics covered in this ebook include −

  • Basic and advanced command line concepts

  • Filesystem navigation and management

  • File permissions and ownership

  • Text editors and manipulation

  • Shell scripting basics

Here is an example of a simple shell script from book −

for i in {1..10}
   echo "Counting: $i"
echo "Done!"

This script uses a for loop to count from 1 to 10 and then displays a "Done!" message.

"Bash Guide for Beginners" by Machtelt Garrels

"Bash Guide for Beginners" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about Bash shell. This ebook covers a wide range of Bash topics, from basic commands to more advanced scripting techniques.

Some of topics covered in this ebook include −

  • Basic Bash commands and concepts

  • Redirection and piping

  • Bash scripting basics

  • Conditional statements and loops

  • Functions and command line arguments

Here is an example of a simple shell script from book −

if [ -d "$1" ]
   echo "$1 is a directory"
   echo "$1 is not a directory"

This script checks if first argument passed to it is a directory and then displays an appropriate message.

"Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide" by Mendel Cooper

"Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide" is an in-depth guide to Bash scripting that covers a wide range of advanced topics. This ebook is perfect for experienced Linux administrators looking to take their shell scripting skills to next level.

Some of topics covered in this ebook include −

  • Advanced Bash scripting techniques

  • Regular expressions and pattern matching

  • Network programming with Bash

  • Debugging Bash scripts

  • Best practices for Bash scripting

Here is an example of a simple shell script from book −

while true
   read -p "Enter a number (or 'quit' to exit): " input
   if [ "$input" == "quit" ]
      echo "You entered: $input"

This script prompts user to enter a number and will continue to do so until user enters "quit". script then displays numbers entered by user.


Shell scripting is an essential skill for any Linux administrator. With help of these four free ebooks, newbies and experienced administrators alike can learn fundamentals of shell scripting, explore advanced techniques, and become more proficient in managing their Linux systems.

Whether you are looking to automate routine tasks, develop more efficient workflows, or troubleshoot system issues, these ebooks provide a wealth of knowledge and practical examples to help you achieve your goals. So why not download one (or all) of these ebooks today and take your Linux skills to next level!

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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