Write a Machine Learning program to check Model Accuracy


The text discusses the concept of a model in machine learning, its various forms, and how to evaluate its accuracy. It explains accuracy as a common evaluation metric used in machine learning and its limitations and provides an example of a Python program that demonstrates how to check the accuracy of a machine−learning model. The text also explains model accuracy as a performance metric for classification models and its usefulness in evaluating the overall performance of a model, while cautioning that other metrics may be more appropriate in certain situations.

Model in Machine Learning

In machine learning, models are mathematical representations of systems, processes, or connections that may be used to produce predictions or conclusions based on data. The incoming data is examined for connections and patterns, and these patterns are then used to forecast or make decisions about new data.

A few examples of various models are a decision tree, a linear regression model, a neural network, or a support vector machine. Which model is utilized will depend on the nature of the issue and the data's characteristics.

How effectively a model can predict or categorize fresh data that it has not seen during training is often used to assess its quality. In order to develop a model that performs optimally, the right method must be chosen, together with the right features and hyperparameters.


A frequent assessment statistic in machine learning to assess the effectiveness of a classification model is accuracy. It is described as the proportion of cases that were properly categorized to all of the occurrences in the dataset.

In other words, accuracy is the proportion of accurate forecasts that the model generated based on the test data. For instance, a model's accuracy is 90% if it produces 90 accurate predictions out of 100 test occurrences.

Although accuracy is a popular statistic, it has certain drawbacks. It makes the supposition that each class is equally important and that misclassifying a class results in the same financial loss. Depending on the particular issue and the costs related to various sorts of mistakes, additional measures like accuracy, recall, F1−score, or AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve) may be more appropriate in some situations.

Model Accuracy

Model accuracy is a statistic that assesses how frequently a model predicts a task's outcome accurately. It is the proportion of correctly predicted events to all predicted events. The accuracy of classification models, where the aim is to predict a category label for each input instance, is frequently used as a performance statistic in machine learning.

Take a binary classification issue, for instance, where the objective is to forecast whether or not a consumer would buy a product. A collection of client traits and previous purchase histories is used to train a model. Each client in the test set receives a prediction when the model is run on a fresh batch of customer data. The number of accurate forecasts divided by the total number of predictions made represents the model's accuracy.

In general, accuracy is a good indicator for assessing a model's overall performance. However, in other circumstances, it could be deceptive. For instance, a model that just predicts the majority class for every input instance may obtain high accuracy, even though it is not really doing a good job of generating predictions if the classes in the dataset are unbalanced (i.e., one class is significantly more frequent than the other). In certain circumstances, different measures for assessing model performance, like as accuracy, recall, or F1 score, may be more applicable.

Here's a simple Python program that demonstrates how to check the accuracy of a machine−learning model:


import pandas as pd 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression 
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score 
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification 
# Generate synthetic data for classification 
num_samples = 20000 
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=num_samples, n_features=2, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, n_clusters_per_class=1) 
# Split the data into training and testing sets 
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, 	y, test_size=0.3, random_state=35) 
# Train a logistic regression model on the training set 
model = LogisticRegression() 
model.fit(X_train, y_train) 
# Make predictions on the testing set 
y_pred = model.predict(X_test) 
# Check the accuracy of the model 
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) 
print("Model accuracy:", accuracy) 


Model accuracy: 0.9153333333333333 

In this illustration, the data is initially loaded into a pandas dataframe. The train test split function from scikit−learn was then used to divide the data into training and testing sets.

The LogisticRegression class from scikit−learn is then used to build a logistic regression model on the training data. Once the model has been trained, we utilize the prediction technique to use it to make predictions on the testing set.

The accuracy score function from scikit−learn is then used to determine the model's accuracy. The testing set's actual labels (y test) and the predicted labels (y pred) are the two parameters given to this method. A float between 0 and 1 is produced, with larger values signifying more precision.

It's crucial to remember that accuracy is simply one parameter for assessing how well a machine−learning model is doing. Other measures can be more appropriate depending on the issue you're attempting to address. For instance, accuracy could not be an accurate indicator of performance if the classes in the dataset are unbalanced. Other measures, such as accuracy, recall, or F1 score, may be more helpful in certain circumstances.


A system, method, or connection that can predict the future or make choices based on data is mathematically represented as a model in machine learning. A classification model's accuracy is frequently evaluated, although accuracy has several drawbacks and may not be the best assessment metric.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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