Why Do Employees Prefer a Hybrid Mode of Working?

COVID-19 has changed our way of life. It has made working from home not only a possibility but also an option that is being preferred by individuals and companies alike. It has proven that with a good internet connection, robust digital infrastructure, and trust in the employees, working from home is possible. However, public opinion favors a hybrid mode of operation. A hybrid mode helps employees get the benefits of both work-from-home and work-from-office situations.

Why Do Companies Prefer a Hybrid Mode of Working?

Companies now prefer a hybrid mode of working, i.e., working from both home and the office. Some of the major benefits that a company acquires from a hybrid workforce are

  • The hybrid mode of work allows the company to save money on overhead. The companies can save a lot on electricity bills, regular cleaning fees, regular maintenance costs, and others.

  • For expansion, companies do not have to seek out office spaces in different cities. It can easily have one headquarters and ask the employees to work from their comfort zones. Rent and lease fees are avoided. Which was previously the company's major fixed cost. Employees can travel to headquarters or different cities as per their needs.

  • A company can hire talent from across the globe. Companies do not have to only seek out employees in the same city as they have their office. Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams are doing wonders in connecting people from different geographic locations and time zones. Companies can get the best of the best.

  • It makes sure that employees are also attached to the organization. Working from home has shown a lot of job dissatisfaction among employees because of the lack of social interaction.

The top reasons why an employee will prefer a hybrid mode of working over work-from-home or work-from-office situations are as follows -

  • Employees will save a lot of time, money, and energy by not traveling. With a hybrid mode of working, employees would have to travel less and could use this time to develop their skills and productivity. This ensures that there is less fatigue and more enthusiasm among the employees.

  • A hybrid mode of working ensures that the employees are meeting their fellow team members and people outside their working domain as well. This gives them a platform to interact with their colleagues. It helps them satisfy their social and interaction needs. Along with this, working from home gives them the peace and privacy that they require.

  • Occasionally, coming to the office may seem like an adventure. Hybrid employees see going to the office not as a burden but as a chance to interact and have fun with the team. This changes the whole attitude toward work and office space. Bringing in a lot of positivity and enthusiasm

  • Employees can use their saved time to develop their skills. Instead of being exhausted due to travel, employees can use their remaining time to improve their skills and stay informed.

  • Employees feel that the hybrid mode of working increases their productivity at work. When working from home, they can devote their time to critical tasks and focus. While working at the office, they can get critical approval and have discussions. This helps the employees increase their overall productivity at work and, hence, their job satisfaction.

  • The hybrid model ensures a better work-life balance for the employees. Employees feel that since they do not have to run to the office every day, they can now choose wisely. This gives them a better work-life balance, as now they can devote time to both their social and career needs.

  • A hybrid mode of working ensures that employees have time to focus. They can focus on the work at hand and their skill development as well.

  • Hybrid mode ensures that there are savings for the employees. A hybrid mode of working ensures that you can save up to three days when you are working from home.

  • A hybrid mode of working ensures employees have flexibility and freedom. Employees can come to the office as per their needs and their convenience. It gives employees a lot of freedom. With this freedom, employees start to have a sense of belonging and trust in the company.

  • Hybrid mode ensures a clean, hygienic, and safe working environment. Since the number of employees visiting the office on an everyday basis has decreased, this makes sure that all the public facilities are better-taken care of. They are cleaner, more hygienic, and safer to use. The chances of spreading the virus and acquiring infections have reduced drastically.

There are certain loopholes that employers and employees can work on to make the hybrid mode of working the perfect model for working. They are

  • Companies have to ensure that they have the facilities to run both the work-from-home and work-from-office scenarios smoothly.

  • Employers observe employees engaging in moonlighting and double responsibilities while working from home.

  • It is difficult for employers and employees to trust each other.

  • There are increased data privacy and cyber security risks.

  • It gets difficult to align the company’s culture and employees’ vision.

  • Many cases of miscommunication and misunderstanding occur as a result of mail communications.

  • Employees feel that even with the hybrid mode of working, there is less interaction and visibility in the office.

  • It is difficult for employees to dissociate themselves from both office work and household chores. This results in overwork and burnout for the employees. This mental state is detrimental to employees in both the short and long term.

The preceding article has given us a better understanding of why both employers and employees prefer a hybrid mode of working, as well as certain loopholes that can be addressed. Working remotely has many challenges and is not even preferred by employees and employers because of the lack of interaction, belongingness, moonlighting, and double burden scenarios. The hybrid model seems like the best option for the time being, as it combines the advantages of both work-from-home and work-from-office scenarios.

Updated on: 20-Dec-2022


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