Which is better, Senior position in a start-up company or a middle management position in a well-established company and why?

Work experience in a particular field and mostly specializing in a particular wing is considered to be an asset today considering the fact that field level experience develops a major quantum of skill in a person as against mere degrees or educational qualifications. After reaching a certain point in your career and gaining sufficient work experience, an employee has a desire to switch their job profiles due to better prospects.

At times like these experienced people are often in dilemma on the work profile of the company i.e. whether to take a senior position in a start-up or mid-position in a famed, well-established company with similar compensation, allowances, perks, and incentives.

Here are the pros and cons for both sides -

Senior Position In A Start-Up Company

A senior position definitely implies that you get a full chance to utilize your leadership and management skills. Start-Up culture is actually nascent and you can make some significant alteration based on your previous experiences. It’s actually like raising your own child owing to the senior position you will hold.

Not A Cake Walk

However, the drawbacks with a start-up definitely remain in its uncertainty. It takes a lot of effort to create a brand of your company and seniority of position also implies being on your toes all the time. You do not get the benefit of networking with major companies as well. You are already high in the hierarchy and there is not much scope of further elevation in the short-term.

The Other Alternative

When we take into consideration middle management position in a reputed company, the very first benefit that has to be taken into consideration is the name, fame, and tag that the work profile in that company gives you. There is relatively a lot of stability in terms of finance of the company. You can eventually rise in the hierarchy of the company with your performance and achieve a senior position in a reputed firm or organization as against a small start-up.

The Big But

The negative angle of this facet lies in the nepotism and monotony of the work profile. You have to adhere most of the times to your seniors and bosses in these giant companies. There is a minimum scope to start something new and there are probabilities that your ideas may be snatched by your colleagues and you are left helpless. Your job may become monotonous over time as there are already established working procedures in these companies for each and every vertical.

After discussing both the scenarios, I would prefer to choose the Senior position in a startup company which will give me the opportunity to showcase my talent.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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