What is Regularized Discriminant Analysis in Machine Learning?

RDA, or Regularized discriminant analysis, is a statistical method used in machine learning classification problems. It is a change that fixes problems faced with linear discriminant analysis (LDA). This article will discuss RDA, including its benefits, how it works, applications, and advantages.

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

LDA is a way to sort things into different groups by finding a linear set of features that can split two or more groups. It involves finding a way to map the data onto a place with fewer dimensions while keeping the distance between the classes as large as possible. LDA thinks that all of the correlation matrices are the same. But this assumption may only sometimes be accurate, which could lead to lousy sorting results.

Regularized Discriminant Analysis (RDA)

RDA is an addition to LDA that tries to fix some of its flaws. It adds a regularization term to the within-class correlation matrix to keep the classification method from getting too good at its job and to make it more stable. A tuning parameter controls the regularization term. Cross-validation can be used to choose which tuning parameter to use.

The objective function of RDA is given by −

maximize: " (µ1 - µ2)T S^-1 (µ1 - µ2) - λ trace(S) "

Where µ1 and µ2 are the means of the two classes, S is the within-class covariance matrix, and λ is the regularization parameter.

How RDA Works?

RDA is about finding a linear mix of features that separates the classes as much as possible while considering the regularization term. The regularization term adds a penalty to the within-class covariance matrix, which makes it shrink toward a shared covariance matrix. This keeps the program from becoming too good and makes it more stable. Cross-validation can be used to find the best regularization value.

RDA vs. Other Classification Algorithms

RDA is a classification method used in machine learning. RDA is better than other well-known ML algorithms like SVMs, decision trees, and random forests. According to LR, differences between two groups are always the same, which is impossible in the real world. So here, RDA proves itself better than logistic regression.

RDA is easier to understand than SVMs and works better with data with many variables. SVMs can be hard to compute, and the kernel function needs to be carefully tuned.

Compared to decision trees and random forests, RDA works better when the distributions of two or more classes intersect. Decision trees and random forests work best when the classes are different.

Implementation in Python

Generalized Python code for RDA

from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import RegularizedDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# generate some synthetic data
X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=10, n_informative=5, n_redundant=0, n_classes=3)

# split the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

# create an instance of the RDA model
rda = RegularizedDiscriminantAnalysis()

# fit the model to the training data
rda.fit(X_train, y_train)

# make predictions on the test data
y_pred = rda.predict(X_test)

# calculate the accuracy of the predictions
accuracy = sum(y_pred == y_test) / len(y_test)
print("Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy * 100))

Benefits of RDA − RDA has several benefits over LDA, including −

  • Improved Stability − Small changes don't affect RDA, which is less likely to fit the data too well than LDA.

  • Improved Accuracy − When many features or the correlation matrices of the classes are not the same, RDA can do better than LDA.

  • Flexibility − RDA gives users power over the bias-variance tradeoff by letting them choose from a wide range of regularization parameters.

Applications of RDA

RDA has been applied in various fields, including −

  • Biology − RDA has been used to put bacteria into groups based on their genetic profiles. It has also been used to find genes whose expression differs in different cell groups.

  • Finance − RDA has been used to determine how likely a borrower will repay a loan based on how they have managed their money. It has also been used to check credit card payments for fraud.

  • Image Analysis − RDA has been used to sort the different kinds of cells in medical pictures. It has also been used to look at satellite pictures to determine how the land is used.

Limitations and Disadvantages

Regularized discriminant analysis (RDA) has its pros and cons, just like any other machine learning method. Here are some of the things that don’t work well with RDA −

  • RDA believes that the data are spread out in a usual way. If the data are not spread out usually, RDA may not be the best way to classify them. For material that isn’t normal, it may be better to use other classification algorithms, like decision trees or random forests.

  • The choice of the regularization parameter can significantly affect how well the method works. Hence, users need to use cross-validation to find a good value. The regularization parameter controls the tradeoff between the classifier’s variance and its bias. Choosing the wrong number for this parameter can cause either overfitting or underfitting.

  • RDA might not work well if there aren’t as many samples as there are traits. In these situations, the curse of dimensionality may happen, and the classifier may have a high range and a low bias. Other classification methods, like support vector machines or logistic regression, may work better for high-dimensional data.

  • RDA might only work well if the correlation matrices of the classes are different and the sample sizes of the classes are equal. In these situations, the within-class covariance matrix may not accurately measure the class’s real covariance matrix. Other classification methods, such as linear discriminant analysis or support vector machines, may work better for data that is not evenly distributed.

  • RDA is a linear classifier, so it might not work well if there isn’t a straight line between the data and the class. These situations may be better using nonlinear models like decision trees or artificial neural networks.


A regularization term is added to the within-class correlation matrix in regularized discriminant analysis, which is a change to linear discriminant analysis. It makes the classification algorithm more stable and accurate and lets you choose from various regularization settings. RDA has been used in many areas, such as biology, business, and image analysis. Cross-validation can be used to find the best regularization value. This helps avoid overfitting and ensures the model works well with data it hasn't seen before.

Someswar Pal
Someswar Pal

Studying Mtech/ AI- ML

Updated on: 12-Oct-2023


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