What is NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT)?

"Narrowband" generally refers to a type of communication technology that uses a relatively narrow range of frequencies to transmit information.

In the context of telecommunications, narrowband typically refers to communications systems that use frequencies of up to around 20 kHz. This is in contrast to broadband, which uses frequencies over 20 kHz, typically up to several GHz. Narrowband communication technologies include traditional landline telephone systems, some types of radio communication, and some types of satellite communication.

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), narrowband typically refers to low-power, low-bandwidth wireless communication technologies that are designed to support the transmission of small amounts of data over long distances. These technologies include NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT) and Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN).

Overall, narrowband communication technologies are often used in applications where low power consumption, long-range transmission, and low cost are important factors.

What is IoT NarrowBand?

IoT narrowband refers to the use of low-power, low-bandwidth wireless communication technologies that are designed to support the transmission of small amounts of data over long distances in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT).

One of the most widely used IoT narrowband technologies is NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT), which is a cellular-based technology that operates in licensed spectrum and is designed to support massive numbers of low-bandwidth IoT devices. NB-IoT offers long-range coverage, low power consumption, and low device cost, making it well-suited for applications such as smart cities, asset tracking, and environmental monitoring.

Another popular IoT narrowband technology is Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), which is a low-power, wide-area networking (LPWAN) technology that operates in unlicensed spectrum. LoRaWAN offers long-range coverage and supports a large number of devices, making it well-suited for applications such as smart agriculture, industrial automation, and smart buildings.

Overall, IoT narrowband technologies are well-suited for applications that require long-range coverage, low power consumption, and low cost, and are driving the growth of the IoT by enabling a wide range of new applications and use cases.

Use of NarrowBand

Here are some common uses of Narrowband technology

  • Traditional landline telephone systems

  • Some types of radio communication

  • Some types of satellite communication

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as smart cities, asset tracking, environmental monitoring, smart agriculture, and industrial automation

  • Low-power, low-bandwidth wireless communication over long distances

  • Supporting the transmission of small amounts of data

  • Enabling the use of low-cost, low-power IoT devices

  • Supporting massive numbers of IoT devices

  • Enabling long-range coverage

  • Optimizing power consumption to extend device battery life

Understanding NarrowBand Internet of Things (NB-IoT)

NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) is a low-power, wide-area networking (LPWAN) technology that is designed specifically for IoT applications. It operates in licensed spectrum and provides long-range coverage, low power consumption, and low device cost, making it well-suited for a wide range of IoT applications.

Here are some common use cases for NB-IoT

  • Smart City − NB-IoT can be used for smart city applications such as smart lighting, parking, waste management, and air quality monitoring. These applications require long-range coverage and low power consumption, which NB-IoT provides.

  • Industrial Automation − NB-IoT can be used for industrial automation applications such as remote machine monitoring and predictive maintenance. These applications require long-range coverage and low power consumption to enable the use of low-cost, low-power IoT devices.

  • Agriculture − NB-IoT can be used for smart agriculture applications such as soil moisture monitoring, weather monitoring, and livestock tracking. These applications require long-range coverage and low power consumption to enable the deployment of low-cost, low-power IoT devices in remote locations.

  • Asset Tracking − NB-IoT can be used for asset tracking applications such as fleet management, logistics, and supply chain management. These applications require long-range coverage and low power consumption to enable the deployment of low-cost, low-power IoT devices that can be attached to assets to track their location and status.

  • Environmental Monitoring − NB-IoT can be used for environmental monitoring applications such as water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring, and noise monitoring. These applications require long-range coverage and low power consumption to enable the deployment of low-cost, low-power IoT devices in remote locations.

Future of NarrowBand

The future of NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) looks promising, as the technology is already being deployed in many countries around the world and is expected to continue to grow in popularity. Here are some of the factors that will drive the future of NB-IoT −

  • Growth of IoT − The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding rapidly, with more and more devices being connected every day. As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, the demand for low-power, low-cost, and long-range connectivity solutions like NB-IoT will continue to increase.

  • Improved Network Coverage − As network coverage for NB-IoT improves, more and more applications will become feasible. In many parts of the world, network coverage for NB-IoT is already quite good, and as more carriers roll out NB-IoT networks, this coverage will continue to improve.

  • Lower Device Costs − As more manufacturers produce NB-IoT chips and devices, the cost of these components will continue to decrease. This will make it more cost-effective for businesses to deploy NB-IoT solutions, which will drive adoption.

  • Increased Standardization − As NB-IoT becomes more standardized, it will become easier for businesses to deploy solutions and for devices to communicate with one another. This will also help to drive adoption and make NB-IoT more attractive to businesses.


Overall, the future of NB-IoT looks bright, and the technology is expected to play an increasingly important role in the growth of the IoT. With its long-range coverage, low power consumption, and low device cost, NB-IoT is well-suited to a wide range of IoT applications, and its use cases are expected to continue to expand in the years to come.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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