What is Green Marketing Myopia?

What is Green Marketing Myopia?

Green marketing myopia is the failure of businesses to comprehend that consumers care just as much about "what's in it for me?" as they do about "how is this good for the environment?" Perhaps even more so. Outside of eco-friendly product attributes, consumers are driven to items that satisfy their goals and requirements (such improved performance or lower cost).

Businesses that entirely or significantly rely on promoting the advantages of natural and organic products without taking into account the immediate benefits to consumers may be setting themselves up for failure. Brands have to strike a fine balance between making ecofriendly promises and satisfying customers at the store or at home. Companies reach the danger zone known as green marketing myopia, or lack of understanding, when they fail to effectively account for both.

Here are some of the greatest strategies to sell your company's green products more effectively.

  • Green goods should be intended to perform as well as or better than alternatives.

  • Demonstrate the worth of the product. Consumer advantages from green products must be clear-cut and instant.

  • Promote the demands of the target markets as well as those of the environment, for example, by offering consumers who are on a tight budget, cost-cutting features. Combine environmental awareness with daily life. Appliances that use less energy are an excellent example. If there is something in it for them, such a cost savings, consumers will be more willing to examine the advantages of becoming green.

  • Look for methods to link your product's environmental attributes to consumer demands. For instance, better vegetables cultivated without pesticides or lower electricity costs from using energy-efficient lightbulbs are two examples.

  • Create engaging and instructional materials, such as websites and apps, to inform customers about your green product.

  • Make sure the research supporting your product is reliable and correct. You never know when a rival will dispute your assertions! Support your environmental claims. For promoting environmental advantages in one part of their company while completely neglecting them in another, several items and even brands have come under fire.

  • Third-party eco-certification for your products (such as Energy Star) is necessary, but your customers should understand what it means.

  • Encourage word-of-mouth advertising by creating a buzz about your goods on social media. Get well-known environmentalists to support your marketing initiatives.


The case of Phillips is an illustration of green marketing myopia. Six years after the dull 1994 debut of EarthLight, Philips relaunched its energy-saving lightbulb with a new brand and style in 2000.

The five-year "Marathon" lightbulb was advertised by Philips. The $20 lifetime cost of the Marathon lightbulb promised consumers lower power expenses

The packaging boldly showing Energy Star labels and this cost-cutting selling advantage helped Phillips increase sales by 12%.

Despite the first EarthLight's admirable design, only those customers who cared the most about the environment purchased it.

Even if someone constantly bombards their Facebook timeline with news about global warming, they could be hesitant to purchase a green product if they don't see any personal benefits, such as enhanced functionality or cost savings.

History of Green Marketing

Green marketing was given considerable thought in the 1970s, but it wasn't until the late 1980s that the concept really took off. All of this started in Europe in the early 1980s when it was found that some produced items were bad for the environment. Since then, there have been three stages of green marketing.

The early years of green marketing began in the late 1980s, when the term "green marketing" was first brought up. The first stage was referred to as "Ecological" green marketing. All marketing efforts at that time period centred on trying to address environmental issues. In order to meet the requirements and desires of the customers, marketers started engaging in various types of green marketing. It was anticipated that customers would purchase green items, which would boost the company's reputation. These would aid in gaining a bigger market share. Despite this, nothing went as planned. This consequence was explained as the result of greenwashing. Businesses were in fact doing nothing while only pretending to be environmentally friendly. Businesses were only bolstering their already-existing items with environmental claims in an effort to boost sales.

When marketers noticed the pushback, green marketing launched its second phase. The second stage was referred to as "environmental" green marketing. During that time, clean technology—which concerned developing new goods without endangering the environment—came into sharper focus.

People started to become more conscious of the need to preserve and safeguard the natural environment around the beginning of the mid-1990s. People were growing increasingly conscious of environmental issues. The third phase began with this. Later was referred to as "Sustainable" green advertising. Organizations were compelled to alter their selling strategies as consumers began purchasing goods and services that had a lower environmental impact.

Green Marketing's Objectives

Green marketing involves not only following environment friendly rules and practises but also informing customers about it. Green marketing is crucial for a number of reasons, including reducing waste and informing customers about how a business upholds eco-friendly practises.

Here are some additional goals as mentioned below to take into account when considering green marketing.

  • Minimizing waste − Green marketing is equally concerned with preventing waste as it is with projecting an environment friendly image to the public, whether it be through the development of biodegradable product packaging (meaning it can be broken down by biological means), reducing water consumption, or reducing the amount of trash that ends up in landfills.

  • Reinventing products − Products may be changed to have less of an adverse effect on the environment. For instance, a certain firm gets many of its components from plants, making it safer for people to use, non-toxic for household pets who could mistakenly consume it, and more ecologically friendly because it dissolves in water and doesn't pollute the environment.

  • Making money while being green − It goes without saying that businesses who support green products aim to not only take care of the environment but also make a profit. Businesses may profit from the segment of the public prepared to spend a little extra in order to reduce their environmental impact and safeguard the environment by using green marketing.

  • Changing procedures − Environmental effect shouldn't just be a concern for consumers. Green marketing further motivates companies to use resources wisely, including water and power usage. The search for renewable resources, the use of alternative energy sources, and the development of fuel-efficient product delivery methods are other aspects of changing processes.

  • Developing eco-friendly message − Green marketing's messaging work may be its largest "marketing" success. Consumers are helped by green marketing to comprehend a product's environmental advantages and a business's dedication to the environment. It's also a significant method for educating people about environmental sustainability

By having a more thorough understanding of the industry and consumer, you can determine where your company stands.


You need to examine carefully what your clients really want and what they may require in the future. There's a chance that other companies in your sector provide significantly more alluring goods or services.

Theodore Levitt made a significant contribution to marketing. It is amazing how one individual was able to establish a universal truth in 1960 that still holds true today. Even while we owe Levitt a lot, we shouldn't only follow his advice. Keep in mind that selling is an efficient machine made up of several nuts and bolts.

Updated on: 14-Sep-2022


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