What is Evangelism Marketing?

What is Evangelism Marketing?

Evangelism marketing, more commonly known as word-of mouth-marketing, uses satisfied consumers to reach new ones. Someone is operating as a "customer evangelist" when they tell others about a new restaurant they like, a pair of shoes that was really comfy, or an honest mechanic.

Getting people to suggest your business in a natural and genuine way is difficult. Customers may not become brand advocates for every business. There are many of businesses out there whose offerings are so unremarkable and predictable that they aren't even worth mentioning. In addition, there is no simple method to control what friends talk about with one another. It's possible for a consumer to enjoy an exceptional experience at a manicure salon without mentioning it to their friends.

Any company, in any field, may use evangelism marketing to grow their clientele and revenue. Think about a major corporation like Apple. Apple fans are well-known as product evangelists who enthusiastically discuss their experiences with cutting-edge technology.

Evangelism marketing is frequently used by small firms with low marketing expenditures in favour of more expensive alternatives such as television and print ads. Sending out coupons for free desserts may not be as effective as word-of-mouth advertising when it comes to promoting a restaurant known for its excellent sweets.

Examples of Evangelism Marketing

Following organisations stand out as the best examples of evangelism marketing:

Example 1: Apple

Apple isn't only a company with dedicated fans; it's also the one that came up with the idea of using brand advocates. The 1980s were a terrible decade for firm operations. In 1983, however, after bringing on their new CEO, Guy Kawasaki, a shift occurred.

Guy Kawasaki's enthusiasm as an Apple advocate was a major factor in the company's success. He attracted a large number of software and hardware developers by emphasising the company's perks. Also, nowadays a sizable portion of Apple's clientele serves as brand advocates. If you're an Apple customer once, you'll likely always be an Apple client.

Example 2: Amazon

The online retail juggernaut has the best evangelist marketing. Online shoppers everywhere know just one name when it comes to their preferred retailer− Amazon. Since it began providing such excellent service, it has developed a sizable fan following.

Amazon has a firm grasp on what its consumers need. All sorts of services are available there, from amusement to retail. Customers' confidence in them has led to the company's rapid expansion into new markets.

Example 3: Netflix

Another great example is that of Netflix. A huge three million-strong fan base is always willing to talk about Netflix. These individuals have formed online communities to discuss and rate the many Netflix films and TV episodes available. The Netflix fan base is a fantastic illustration of evangelical advertising.

Characteristics of Evangelism Marketing

Key characteristics of Evangelism Marketing include the following 

  • People are the foundation of evangelism marketing − Evangelism marketing centres on the target audience (loyal customers). The company employs these devoted patrons as "evangelists" to spread the word about its wares. Please keep in mind that evangelists are giving their time and energy willingly.

  • Strategy for Promoting Products Over a Protracted Period of Time − This strategy will not pay off in the short term but will have long-term effects. In reality, it's more of a long-term marketing tactic. The goal is to get the evangelists to constantly recommend your business to their friends and family.

  • The focus of evangelism marketing is entirely on the consumer − The focus of this advertising campaign is wholly on the clientele. There is no need for you to actively market your products or services to new clients since your current clientele will do it for you.

  • Unaffiliated Mode of Promotion − This method is less controlled by the company and more organic. A company might aim to cultivate brand loyalty. In the end, though, it's the buyers themselves who do the product promotion on their own time. To sum up, evangelism is not something that can be purchased, but rather must be earned.

  • Cost-effective − To engage in evangelism doesn't cost a dime. True, it's a cost-free method of advertising since your consumers are doing the work for you at no cost to themselves by spreading the word about your business. The only real expense is in fostering brand loyalty among your clientele

Importance of Evangelism Marketing

The evangelists' primary strength is that they are able to disseminate the news via word of mouth. To the average consumer, a personal recommendation for a product will come off as more genuine and authentic than an online advertisement. Evangelists love their fellowship beyond anything else. They are quite open in sharing information between themselves, which must make your support team's lives easier. Your product's evangelists will likely generate a great deal of written content, including testimonials, case studies, and articles. Using this method, you may attract the attention of potential customers.

On the road to evangelism, businesses encounter several obstacles. A number of assumptions underpin the basic idea of "evangelism marketing."

  • Confidence from the market − Customers put their own good names in jeopardy when they recommend your goods to others. No one should be surprised that they won't promote a potentially harmful item.

  • Value − The goal of evangelism is not like any other commodity. Careful consideration of brand positioning will ensure that your customers reap the full benefits of your product.

  • Satisfaction − Consumers' expectations must be met by the final product. Your clients' happiness is the primary factor in turning them into passionate advocates.


Marketing experts are working on plans to increase favourable word−of−mouth about their clients' goods and services. These might range from supporting events that present a brand as part of a consumer's way of life to hosting online forums for consumers to network with one another. Finding the sweet spot where a product or service may add value to a customer's life and making that transition as painless as possible is the focus of evangelist marketing. Customers are more inclined to recommend a brand to others if their demands are consistently met by that company.

Updated on: 23-Nov-2022


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