What is Dailyn Stand Up Call in Agile Development?

Agile Stand-Up Meeting

In Agile, a daily hold meeting gives the project team a chance to talk in-depth about how the project is progressing. Each contributor can report on their successes since the most recent stand-up session at these 15-minute meetings. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and aware of what is happening.

In order to keep meetings, brief and focused, all attendees in an Agile stand-up often remain standing. Yet, due to the rise in remote and hybrid working, digital hold is also an option and are becoming more popular.

The best method to keep either format of a daily stand-up meeting running smoothly is to make sure there is a repeatable agenda. In Agile project management, daily stand-up meetings are crucial because they let team members −

  • Share important information.

  • Discuss problems out loud.

  • Accountability both to oneself and to one another.

A brief daily meeting called the "daily stand-up" is used to discuss progress and pinpoint roadblocks. Because participants must participate while standing, the meeting should be kept to a minimum, which is why it is termed a "stand-up."

A stand-up for software teams is comparable to the huddle for a sports team. Before each play, the team gathers in a huddle like in rugby and (American) football. The huddle serves a strategic purpose by keeping the team updated, prepared, and balanced. The stand-up serves as the team huddle for software teams. It emphasises "we" to keep everyone informed on the situation and the team's progress, and is even sometimes referred to as the daily scrum.

Agile Stand-Up Meeting Types

Your daily stand-up meetings will alter a little depending on whether you're using the Scrum or Kanban approach for Agile. The following can be anticipated in each kind of Agile stand-up meeting −

Scrum stand-ups

Every day of the sprint, a 15-minute meeting called a scrum stand-up is held to discuss progress and rapidly record any problems. Each participant responds to three questions −

  • What progress have you made since the last meeting?

  • Before the following meeting, what are you working on?

  • What is impeding or stopping you from performing your duties?

These three questions encourage sharing of small, attainable goals with the team, which holds team members accountable to their tasks and commitments. As a result, nobody is left in the dark and team members are able to openly address issues, difficulties, and setbacks.

Stand-ups for Kanban

Agile teams can connect about project progress rapidly during the 15-minute daily stand-up meetings. Based on the project management methodology your team employs, these daily stand-up meetings may be conducted in a different way. For instance, the agendas and priorities for Kanban stand-ups and daily Scrum sessions will differ.

The goal of the Kanban approach to project management is to get rid of bottlenecks before or as they appear. You will initially bring up the Kanban visual process at your daily stand-up so the project manager or lead may spot any bottlenecks. In these discussions, identifying trouble spots or potential capacity issues is important.

At a Kanban-style stand-up daily meeting, the emphasis is on identifying issues and resolving them rather than outlining what everyone is working on, as compared to responding to the three questions. Everyone can easily understand where tasks are thanks to the visual board, sparing team members from having to explain where they are in the proposed project.

Teams set up visual Kanban boards before daily stand-up meetings to ensure that everyone on the team is aware of the tasks that have already been accomplished and those that still need to be done.

Advantages of an Agile Daily Stand-Up Meeting

Agile gives the project team the chance to have high-level discussions about the status of a project at daily stand-up meetings. Every contributor has a chance to share their successes since the most recent stand-up meeting at these 15-minute meetings. It ensures that everyone is in sync and aware of what's happening.

Whatever method you use, an Agile daily stand-up enables team members to collaborate on projects. Kanban stand-up meetings aim to address bottlenecks before they cause production to slacken, in contrast to Scrum stand-ups, which concentrate on achieving the sprint's goals.

  • Maintain the team's concentration and productivity

  • Immediately update the team on a project-level basis.

  • Each team member should be held responsible for their contribution to the project.

In Agile teams, stand-up meetings that consist of a review of the team's current workflow and a check on where they stand on particular tasks or items keep everything on track. Your daily stand-up should alert you to it and identify problems so you may address them before they emerge.

It's essential to modify and enhance your meetings to match the demands of your group because the Agile methodology is all about flexibility and adaptability.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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