How Agile Development has Reshaped Software Development?

Most software businesses preferred the waterfall approach to create and deliver products when looking at the conventional software development process. The Waterfall Methodology was quickly found to be outdated for our time.

Agile development is an incredible approach to software development, with its own methodology and guiding principles that work hand in hand with the client and ultimately result in a widely accepted product.

Agile development is a software development methodology that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. It is a relatively new approach & has rapidly gained popularity in recent years. Let’s know some of the interesting facts which reshaped software development.

Short Development Cycles (Sprints)

Sprints are short development cycles & are a prime principle of Agile development. They typically last for two to four weeks & are used to deliver small chunks of working software that can be tested & validated by stakeholders. Stakeholders can quickly obtain feedback and make necessary adjustments by delivering working software through sprints.

Using sprints allows for faster feedback because it allows teams to deliver working software more frequently. Instead of waiting until the end of a project to obtain feedback, teams can receive feedback after each sprint.

We can address any issues or changes much more quickly. It allows teams to make adjustments & improvements much more quickly than with traditional, sequential development methodologies. The shorter duration of sprints allows the team to focus on a specific set of requirements, deliver them in a shorter time frame & get feedback on the set of requirements. It allows teams to make adjustments & improvements much more quickly than with traditional, sequential development methodologies.

Sprints help teams to quickly deliver working software by;

  • Breaking down a project into smaller, manageable chunks

  • Prioritizing which requirements are most important

  • Promoting better collaboration and teamwork

  • Allowing teams to make progress on a project more quickly

  • Allowing teams to receive feedback from stakeholders more frequently

Overall, sprints are a prime principle of Agile development that allows teams to quickly deliver working software, prioritize requirements, promote better collaboration, and make progress more quickly.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Another key aspect of Agile development is the emphasis on collaboration and teamwork. Agile development teams are typically cross-functional, with members from different disciplines. They are like development, design, testing, & project management working together. It allows for a more holistic approach to software development.

Bringing different perspectives and expertise to bear on a problem has several benefits −

  • Increased creativity − Different perspectives and expertise can lead to new and innovative solutions to a problem. Team members with diverse backgrounds and experiences bring different ways of thinking, which can lead to new and creative solutions.

  • Improved quality − Different disciplines bring different expertise, which can lead to a better-quality product. By working together, they can ensure that the feature is functional & user-friendly.

  • Faster problem-solving − When different perspectives & expertise are brought to bear on a problem, teams can solve problems more quickly. Different team members may have different ideas or solutions to a problem, which can lead to faster resolution.

  • Better communication − When team members from different disciplines work together, they need to communicate effectively. It can lead to better communication and understanding among team members. It can improve overall team dynamics and productivity.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Agile development also places a strong emphasis on flexibility and adaptability. Rather than trying to plan out every detail of a project in advance, Agile teams prioritize flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing requirements and priorities. It allows teams to respond quickly to changing market conditions or customer needs, which can be a significant competitive advantage.

Adaptability to changing requirements and priorities can be a competitive advantage in several ways −

  • Faster time to market − The ability to respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities allows teams to deliver products to market faster. It can be a significant competitive advantage, especially in fast-moving industries where first-to-market can be critical.

  • Better alignment with customer needs − Agile development's focus on flexibility and adaptability allows teams to respond quickly to customer feedback and changing customer needs. It can lead to better alignment with customer needs. It can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Improved product quality − By changing requirements and priorities, teams can ensure that the final product is of the highest quality. It can lead to a better product and increased customer satisfaction.

  • Better use of resources − Agile development's focus on flexibility and adaptability allows teams to respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities. It can lead to better use of resources. It can result in cost savings, which can be passed on to customers or used to invest in new products or services.


Overall, Agile development has changed the way software is developed by emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and rapid iteration. Its approach allows teams to deliver working software faster and more frequently, with better collaboration & adaptability to changing requirements. Agile development's key principles of short development cycles, collaboration, teamwork, and adaptability make it a popular methodology for software development.

Updated on: 28-Feb-2023


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