What Does the rm -rf Command Do in Linux?

The rm -rf command is a crucial aspect of the Linux operating system that enables the deletion of files and directories. This particular command is often utilized in batch processing when a significant number of files and directories need to be removed. However, it is essential to be cautious when using the rm -rf command, as it can lead to permanent data loss and does not require any confirmations or prompts before deleting files and directories. In this article, we will delve into the mechanics of the rm -rf command and its dangers. Additionally, we will also provide some guidelines for using this command safely.

Deleting a File in the Linux Operating System

Typically, the rm command deletes specified files instantly and does not have the capability to erase directories without additional options.

$ mkdir demo
$ touch example.txt
$ rm example.txt
$ rm demo
  • The initial command 'mkdir demo' generates a new folder with the label "demo".

  • With the touch example.txt command, an empty file named "example.txt" is generated.

  • The file named "example.txt" is deleted by the third command rm example.txt.

  • The fourth command, rm demo, delete the directory named 'demo' from the file system.

Eliminating Multiple Files in the Linux Operating System

To delete several files simultaneously, you can either list each file name separately (e.g. file1 file2) or utilize a wildcard pattern to eliminate multiple files at once (e.g. files ending with .txt).

$ rm file1.txt file2.txt  [Using Filenames]
$ rm *.txt                     [Using Pattern] 

Eliminating Directories in the Linux Operating System

Eliminating a directory can be achieved by utilizing the -r or -R option, which effectively deletes the directory along with its entire contents, including subdirectories and files. In the case of an empty directory, the rmdir command can also be utilized.

$ rm example_files/
$ rm -R example_files/

Deleting Directories with a Confirmation Request

For an added layer of protection, using the -R and -i options in conjunction will prompt for confirmation before removing the target directory and its subdirectories.

$ rm -Ri example_files/ 

Confirm Deletion of Files Before Proceeding with the Removal Process

For added security when removing a file, the -i switch prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the deletion.

$ rm -i example.txt

Forcibly Deleting Files or Directories in Linux

The rm command in Linux provides the ability to force the removal of files and directories with the -f or --force option. This option skips the confirmation prompt and allows for the immediate deletion of the specified files. This can be particularly useful when needing to swiftly remove multiple files or directories.

For instance, executing the following command will forcibly remove the file file.txt without confirmation: rm -f file.txt.

$ rm -f file.txt

Forcing the removal of a directory along with all of its contents, including files and subdirectories, can be achieved by utilizing the -rf or -Rf option of the rm command.

$ rm -rf example_directory

Exercise caution when utilizing the -f switch, as it may lead to the irreversible deletion of files or directories without seeking confirmation.

Displaying Details During the Deletion Process

For a detailed view of what's happening during the removal process, the -v switch can be utilized with the rm command. This option enables the rm command to display information about the file or directory deletion on the standard output, providing a clear and informative experience.

$ rm -rv files

The Command 'rm -Rf /' in Linux

It is imperative to exercise caution when using the command "rm -rf" in a Linux system, especially with root privileges. This command is considered one of the most hazardous and should never be executed without a clear understanding of its consequences. Running the "rm -rf" command with root privileges on the root partition "/" will result in the deletion of all its contents.

$ sudo rm -rf /

Create Alias for rm Command in Linux

For added safety, you can always prompt rm to ask for confirmation before deletion by using the -i option. To make this the default behavior, you can set an alias in your $HOME/.bashrc file, which will apply to all future deletion operations with the rm command.

alias rm="rm -i"

After you've made the necessary changes, it's time to save and exit the file. To apply the changes, you can either source your .bashrc file using the specified method or simply open a new terminal window. Either way, the updated changes will be reflected in your environment.

$ source $HOME/.bashrc 

In other words, the default behavior of rm is to prompt the user for confirmation before deleting a file or directory, unless the -f switch is used to forcefully skip the confirmation prompt.

Does rm Delete a File?

Contrary to popular belief, the rm command doesn't actually delete a file. Instead, it only removes the link between the file and the disk. The data still remains on the disk and can be recovered using data recovery tools such as PhotoRec, Scalpel, or Foremost.

For permanent deletion of files or directories, the shred tool can be utilized to overwrite the file, effectively hiding its contents.

And that's it! In this article, we've covered various useful examples of the rm command and shed light on the capabilities of the "rm -rf" command in Linux. If you have any questions or want to share additional information, feel free to leave a comment below.


In conclusion, the "rm" command in Linux is used for removing files or directories from the file system. The "rm -rf" command, in particular, is a powerful command that deletes a directory and its contents recursively, without prompting for confirmation. However, it is important to use this command with caution, as it can cause significant data loss if used improperly. Additionally, it is worth noting that the "rm" command simply unlinks the file from the file system, and the data can still be recovered using certain tools. To ensure the permanent deletion of data, it is recommended to use tools such as "shred" to overwrite the data.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023

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