Sudo Command in Linux


Linux is a powerful operating system that provides users with a command-line interface to perform various tasks. One of essential tools in Linux is sudo command. sudo command allows users to execute commands as a superuser or another user with elevated privileges. This article will explore sudo command in Linux, its usage, and different examples of its application.

Understanding Sudo Command

Sudo stands for "SuperUser Do," and it is a powerful command in Linux that allows users to execute commands with elevated privileges. Sudo command is used to run a command as a superuser or another user with necessary permissions to perform task. It is often used to perform administrative tasks that require elevated privileges.

The sudo command is used to run a command with elevated privileges without logging in as a superuser. This feature ensures that system is secure and prevents users from making changes to system that could damage it.

Syntax of Sudo Command

The syntax of sudo command is straightforward. command is executed as follows −

sudo [options] [command]

The [options] are optional, and [command] is command that you want to execute. [command] can be a Linux command or a script. options that can be used with sudo command are −

-i, --login: This option logs in as target user, just like su command. -s, --shell: This option runs shell specified in SHELL environment variable. -u, --user: This option specifies user as which command should be executed. -l, --list: This option lists commands that current user can execute with sudo. -k, --reset-timestamp: This option resets timeout for sudo session.

Examples of Sudo Command

  • Installing a Package sudo command is commonly used to install packages on Linux. For example, to install Apache web server, you can use following command −

sudo apt-get install apache2

This command will install Apache web server with elevated privileges, ensuring that system is secure.

  • Creating a New User sudo command can also be used to create a new user on Linux. For example, to create a new user named "john," you can use following command −

sudo useradd john

This command will create a new user named "john" with elevated privileges, ensuring that system is secure.

  • Changing File Permissions sudo command can also be used to change file permissions on Linux. For example, to change permissions of a file named "file.txt" to 644, you can use following command −

sudo chmod 644 file.txt

This command will change permissions of file "file.txt" to 644 with elevated privileges, ensuring that system is secure.

  • Editing System Files sudo command can be used to edit system files that require elevated privileges. For example, to edit "hosts" file, which is located in /etc directory, you can use following command −

sudo nano /etc/hosts

This command will open "hosts" file with elevated privileges, ensuring that system is secure.

  • Running a Command as Another User sudo command can also be used to execute a command as another user. For example, to run command "ls" as user "john," you can use following command −

sudo -u john ls

This command will execute "ls" command as user "john" with elevated privileges, ensuring that system is secure.

Advanced Usage of Sudo Command

Apart from basic usage, sudo command can also be used to perform advanced tasks such as controlling access to specific commands, logging user activity, and restricting access to specific files or directories.

Controlling Access to Specific Commands

The sudoers file is configuration file used by sudo command to control access to specific commands. sudoers file is located in /etc directory, and it can be edited using visudo command.

To grant a user or group access to specific commands, you can add following line to sudoers file −

user/group ALL=(ALL) /path/to/command

For example, to grant user "john" access to "ls" command, you can add following line to sudoers file −

john ALL=(ALL) /bin/ls

This line grants user "john" access to "ls" command with elevated privileges.

Logging User Activity

The sudo command can also be used to log user activity. By default, sudo command logs all commands executed using sudo to /var/log/auth.log file.

To enable sudo logging, you can add following line to sudoers file −

Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

This line enables sudo logging to /var/log/sudo.log file.

Restricting Access to Specific Files or Directories

The sudo command can be used to restrict access to specific files or directories. To do this, you can add following line to sudoers file −

user/group ALL=(ALL) /path/to/command /path/to/file

For example, to grant user "john" access to "vi" command and restrict access to /etc/passwd file, you can add following line to sudoers file −

john ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/vi, !/etc/passwd

This line grants user "john" access to "vi" command but restricts access to /etc/passwd file.

Time-Based Restrictions

The sudo command can also be used to enforce time-based restrictions. To do this, you can add following line to sudoers file −

user/group ALL=(ALL) /path/to/command, timestamp_timeout=5

This line sets timestamp_timeout option to 5 minutes, which means that user must re-enter their password every 5 minutes.


The sudo command is an essential tool in Linux that allows users to execute commands with elevated privileges. It is commonly used to perform administrative tasks that require elevated permissions, such as installing packages, creating new users, and changing file permissions.

The sudo command provides an added layer of security to Linux systems by ensuring that users have to provide their password before executing commands that require elevated privileges. This feature makes it difficult for attackers to gain control of system and execute malicious commands.

In summary, sudo command is a critical tool in Linux that allows users to execute commands with elevated privileges without logging in as a superuser. It ensures that system is secure and prevents users from making changes to system that could damage it. By understanding syntax and different options of sudo command, users can perform various administrative tasks on their Linux systems effectively. examples provided in this article showcase how sudo command can be used to install packages, create new users, change file permissions, edit system files, and run commands as other users.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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