What are the rules to move pets and domestic animals through railways?

On the onset, travelling with a creature is not a fairly easy task. It involves significant expense, planning, and a lot of bureaucratic scuds. Be prepared to put in considerable effort well in advance to your travel date. I actually don't mean to suppress you but to be honest, it is wearisome and stressful:

  • Pets are allowed to travel with the parent if you book the complete coupe (two seats in First AC and 4 seats in Second AC). If you can afford this, it is the safest and easiest way of travelling with your pet.

  • If you have arranged a pet-box with the Parcel Department at least 48 hours in move forward to the journey, you may well be able to take the pet in-carriage only if other passengers do not article, and your pet is over a leash at all time.

  • You'll be fined for all unbooked pets you carry, and if they are really a nuisance to the fellow passengers, these travellers are within their legal right to demand that the animal be transferred to the luggage or break van.

  • The pet will be placed into a pet box that the Indian railways provide. But it isn't always spending comfortable for your pet. Make sure that you check it out once before you start your journey.

  • Make sure you are certain of having taken the necessary documents - pet's vaccination records, fit to visit record from a vet and possibly, your dog's permit with the local expert.

  • If engine is changed, the guard can even be changed in one end of the train to the other. You'll be required to move your pet at this point.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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