What goods are prohibited as parcel in railways?

Journey in a train is mainly a long-distance trip and when one does it, they should bring baggage as well; however, there are some policies as well as guidelines which are needed to be followed and they have been cited by the authorities of Indian Railways purely. These are:

  • One must not carry products which are explosive naturally. Harmful ignitable articles are purely banned as well as one can not lug them while they are riding a train

  • Items like acids, empty or complete gas cylinders, dead poultry, all oil items are all purely forbidden.

  • The luggage must be mentioned in Hindi or in English prior to boarding the train. Or else it is not acceptable.

  • Luggage needs to be packed firmly always. If they are left half opened up or not stuffed properly, the authorities will consider it as improper packaging and also not permit it to keep in the train.

  • Prior to taking a trip at the very least half an hour before boarding the train, one needs to inspect if his luggage considers greater than 100 kgs, and if it does, he has to pay the surcharge.

  • If one loads a trunk or a suitcase which is larger than 100cmsx60cmsx25cms (length, breadth, and height) after that it has to be lugged individually in a brake van

  • If a client is travelling by train as well as needs oxygen support, then oxygen cylinders can be lugged if an appropriate medical certificate is shown.

  • For AC class, the travel luggage weight limitation is 150 kgs, for 2 tier class, and also 3 tier class, it should be within 100 kgs. For Sleeper classes, it is not more than 80 kgs.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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