What are the Innovative CRM Trends in 2022

The Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) has grown from a simple contact management tool throughout time. We've entered a new decade, and the industry's major trends have taken new directions to drive its growth.

It is, without a doubt, at the forefront of innovation! The cutting-edge software system provides customers with the best-in-class experience. Furthermore, the reimagined CRM strategies and solutions are the spark for capturing the market's distinctive need!

But, in what direction is CRM software going? And how do businesses get the most out of the software system? CRM developments have been influenced by the rising market, sophisticated features, and technological integration.

CRM Trends for 2022

By 2025, the CRM business is estimated to generate $80 billion in sales.

  • CRM solutions are used by 91 percent of businesses with more than ten workers to improve operational efficiency and communication.
  • According to Forbes, salespeople spend just 18% of their time establishing CRM strategies, which is the foundation program for sales.
  • CRM software is used by 82 percent of successful businesses for sales reporting.
  • CRM solutions, according to top marketers, may boost revenue by 29%.

You see, if your ultimate goal is to expand, CRM software is no longer an option! Rather, improving your company's chances should be your major focus.

Following are the major CRM trends for 2022 −

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, if there's one thing that's influencing every industry, it's it. We use a lot more of it in our everyday lives and at work than we would believe.

From conversational intelligence programs to sales analytics platforms, AI-driven software resources can be found in almost every business that relies on SaaS solutions. Several CRMs meet these criteria, adding AI into their core features.

There are fewer obstacles for new CRM users

According to LinkedIn State of Sales 2020, 65 percent of salespeople use a CRM, and 97 percent consider sales technology to be "extremely important" or "important. “One-third of salespeople, on the other hand, do not use CRMs.

CRM adoption is sometimes hampered by concerns about the cost of deploying a CRM system and a lack of resources and technical knowledge. As CRMs become more affordable and simpler to integrate and use, these issues are becoming increasingly obsolete.

We anticipate that a larger number of firms will be using CRMs for the first time in 2022.

The popularity of social CRM continues to grow

What is social customer relationship management (CRM)? Integration of social media channels into CRM is what it's all about.

Companies receive a more powerful perspective of what people are sharing on social media and greater knowledge of brand sentiment by combining social media with CRM.

Organizations that can utilize social CRM to respond to comments promptly and carefully may strengthen ties with current and future customers while also incorporating more user feedback into their roadmap.

You may select from an all-star line-up of CRMs

Customers may choose from over 650 CRM systems with solutions that cater to both general and specialist demands and requirements. On G2, the CRM systems that are now leading the way in terms of user satisfaction are −

  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • Less Annoying CRM
  • Fresh sales

Reduction in the size of the sales and marketing tech stacks.

Sales and marketing teams can now get away with utilizing fewer tools than before, thanks to the advent of sophisticated CRMs and core IT solutions.

Teams will increasingly ponder, "Why should we pay for App a When App B can now tick that box and more?" as a tech trend for 2022.

Teams will establish additional connectors and two-way syncs to guarantee contact data is always updated across all apps for the greatest benefits from their tech stack.

CRM will begin to integrate voice and conversational UI

The evolution of SaaS tools is dependent on voice technology. It's important for accessibility, but it also makes using technology simpler and more fun.

Salespeople may now track, message, update and tell their employees about client data using technology.

In the next several years of the 2020s, we expect many more CRMs to follow suit, including voice assistants and supporting hardware in operational processes and interfaces.

Businesses are utilizing CRM to automate more activities

Top CRMs must include advanced automation tools to remain relevant to tech-savvy clients. In recent years, several of the leading players have made significant investments in automation, including HubSpot, Salesforce, and Active Campaign, who have made automation a priority in their product and marketing.

CRM, we believe, will become increasingly synonymous with automation by 2022. Use Chatbots to connect with customers and automatically resolve help desk problems, or use automated email processes to nurture sales leads down the funnel.

Automation allows businesses to provide high-quality customer service while lowering operating costs – something that many businesses are realizing, and CRMs continue to enable in new ways.

High-definition perspective of customers

The simplest method for a firm to generate a full image of its customers is to select a solid CRM and populate it with trustworthy data that is supplemented by other apps.

Top-performing salespeople have more confidence in their CRM data than their rivals, according to LinkedIn's State of Sales Report 2020. Only 32% of those in the bottom category are extremely confident, whereas 53% of those in the top group are very confident.

IoT and CRM are getting increasingly intertwined

There will be greater than 64 billion IoT devices globally by 2025, ranging from smart home gadgets to wearable health monitoring and cybersecurity scanners.

According to Fierce Electronics, 93 percent of businesses used IoT technology in 2019, and this trend is expected to progress in the future years. This includes anything from simple IoT devices like energy meters and smart appliances to more complicated solutions for cost savings, organizational capabilities, and supply chain management.

The majority of businesses use data provided by IoT solutions to improve customer experience. Companies can monitor and support their clients in innovative and proactive ways using IoT technologies that were previously imagined.

Customer-facing staff will not be the only ones that utilize CRM

CRMs have typically been looked at as sales and customer service tools. CRMs have evolved into an important component of a company's overall IT stack. In 2022, more businesses will understand that CRM is beneficial to all aspects of their operations.

Marketers may utilize CRMs to better understand their pipeline of contacts and track how CTAs convert. To give the most tailored experience, customer success teams have access to a 360-degree perspective of the consumer. In addition, management has access to important data.

Consumers will demand that businesses learn more about them

A customer-to-business connection is increasingly like any other human interaction. A business must recall past talks with a consumer, comprehend their requirements and expectations, and change communication accordingly. To do so, all necessary client data must be readily available and accurate.

This isn't always the case. Consumers feel that businesses should give a more consistent customer experience, according to 87 percent of respondents. The easiest approach to remedy this is to use a CRM as part of a linked tech stack, which allows various team members to save customer data from prior discussions and known preferences.

New markets will drive CRM growth

CRM purchasers have traditionally come from four industries: real estate, consulting, distribution, and insurance. Other vertical sectors will account for a large portion of new CRM growth as we move into the 2020s. These are some of them −

  • Healthcare
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing

CRM adoption is being pushed by younger generations.

In comparison to 18% of Generation X and 9% of Baby Boomers, 28% of millennials believe CRM software is "very crucial" to their success.

As millennials and Gen Z gain purchasing power and the next generation enter the workforce, the CRM trend will continue to increase. More teams will become tech-centric in the coming decade, insisting on enhancing performance through clever CRM technologies.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2022


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