What are the Criticisms of Python?

Python has without a doubt ended up one of the foremost broadly utilized programming languages around the world. From machine learning, data science, and web advancement to logical computing, Python has found its way into different industries and applications. Be that as it may, like all different programming languages, Python has too confronted its honest share of reactions over a long time. We'll examine a few Python criticisms in this post along with their justifications.


One of the foremost common reactions of Python is its speed. Python is a decoded language, which implies that the code is executed line by line, and each line is analyzed at runtime. This preparation can be moderate when compared to compiled languages like C or C++. Python moreover features a noteworthy overhead, which can lead to slower execution times.

Python has tended to a few of these concerns with the presentation of Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation and the utilization of outside libraries like NumPy, which permits speedier numerical operations. In any case, Python is still not as quick as other compiled languages, which can be a noteworthy disadvantage in applications that require real-time handlings, such as gaming or high-frequency exchanging.

Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Another criticism of Python is the Worldwide Translator Bolt (GIL), which could be an instrument that guarantees one string can execute Python bytecode at a time. This limitation can be a noteworthy bottleneck for applications that require parallelism or concurrency. For example, in case an application has numerous strings, the GIL can prevent these strings from running at the same time, driving to slower performance.

While there have been endeavors to depart or succeed the GIL, it remains a portion of the Python language. A few arrangements, such as multiprocessing, have been presented to permit parallelism in Python, but these can come with extra overhead.

Memory Management

Python employs programmed memory administration, which implies that it handles the allotment and deallocation of memory naturally. Whereas this could be a helpful include for programmers, it can moreover lead to memory spills or sudden memory utilization, which can moderate an application or cause it to crash.

Python employs a reference tallying component to keep track of objects in memory. This could be an issue in applications that require a part of memory allotment and deallocation, as the reference tallying component can be moderate and inefficient.

Inconsistent Syntax

Python is known for its basic and easy-to-read language structure, but it can too be criticized for its irregularity. The language contains a blend of camel case and wind case traditions, and a few capacities utilize distinctive parameter orders or names than others. These inconsistencies can make it harder for engineers to memorize and utilize the language effectively.

Python has made endeavors to address these inconsistencies, with the presentation of style guides like PEP 8, which points to supplying a steady coding style over Python projects.

Lack of Strong Typing

Python may be a powerfully written language, which suggests that factors can alter their type at runtime. Whereas this may be helpful for prototyping and fast development, it can moreover lead to mistakes and unexpected behavior in bigger applications.

Static writing is getting to be progressively well-known within the programming world because it permits superior code organization, error checking, and optimization. Python has presented type annotations in later forms, but it still needs the solid writing highlights of other languages.


Python has taken the programming world by storm, becoming a family title for plenty of applications. In any case, like any genius, it has confronted its reasonable share of feedback. From execution and resource management to clashing grammar and the requirement for exact writing, Python has its restrictions. But let's not disregard the numerous points of interest that make Python the best contender, such as its user-friendly interface, capable libraries, and steady community. Eventually, the choice of the programming language will depend on the particular needs of the extent and the inclinations of the development group. So, do not let the naysayers bring you down, Python is still a constraint to be figured with!

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023


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