What are the aspects of Security Measurement?

A metric define a system of dimension that based on quantifiable procedures. Useful metrics point to the degree to which protection objective, like data confidentiality, are being met, and they drive measures taken to find an organization’s complete security program. Privacy can be explained as exercising control over what access others have to private magnitude of us, such as information privacy.

Metrics can be an effectual device for security executives to discern the effectiveness of several components of their protection programs, the security of a specific system, product or process, and the aptitude of staff or departments within an organization to address security areas for which they are accountable.

Metrics can also help identify the level of risk in not creating a given action, and in that way supply instruction in prioritizing counteractive actions. Moreover, they can be used to increase the level of security alertness inside the organization.

There are various aspects of security measurement which are as follows −

  • Correctness and Effectiveness − Correctness means assurance that the securityenforcing approaches have been rightly executed (i.e., they do accurately what they are proposed to do, like implementing some calculation). Effectiveness means assurance that the security-enforcing approaches of the system meet the declared security goals (i.e., they do not do anything other than what is suggested for them to do, while fulfilling expectations for flexibility).

  • Leading versus Lagging Indicators − Leading and covering indicators recreate security circumstances that exist correspondingly before or after a change in security. A covering security metric with a short latency procedure or lag time is favored over one with a long latency procedure. Some security metrics can be considered as lagging marker.

  • Organizational Security Objectives − Organizations consist for multiple reasons, hold multiple assets, have dissimilar exposure to the public, face dissimilar threats, and have dissimilar tolerances to risk. Because of multiple differences, their security goals can vary considerably. Security metrics are generally used to resolve how well an organization is fulfilling its security goals.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Properties − Qualitative assignments can be created to symbolize quantitative process of security properties (e.g., low means no vulnerabilities instituted; medium, among one and five found; and high, more than five found). Quantitative valuations of multiple security properties can also be weighted and shared to change a compound value.

  • Measurements of the Large Versus the Small − Security measurements have confirmed to be much more victorious when the focus of computation is small and simple rather than large and complex. As the multiple components in a system enlarges, the number of probable interactions increase with the square of the number of components.

Updated on: 08-Mar-2022


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