What are string searching functions in C language?

The library also provides several string searching functions, which are as follows −

char *strchr (const char *string, intc);
Find first occurrence of character c in string.
char "strrchr (const char "string, intc);
Find last occurrence of character c in string.
char *strpbrk (const char *s1,const char *s2);
returns a pointer to the first occurrence in string s1 of any character from string s2, or a null pointer if no character from s2 exists in s1.
size_t strspn (const char *s1, const char *s2);
returns the number of characters at the beginning of s1 that match s2.
size_t strcspn (const char *51, const char *s2);
returns the number of characters at the beginning of s1 that do not match s2.
char *strtok (char *s1,const char *s2);
break the string pointed to by si into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by one or more characters from the string pointed to by s2.
char *strtok_r (char *s1,const char *s2, char
has the same functionality as strtok () except**lasts); that a pointer to a string placeholder lasts must be supplied by the caller.

strchr () and strrchr () are the simplest to use.

Example 1

Following is the C program for the string searching functions

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#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
   char *str1 = "Hello";
   char *ans;
   ans = strchr (str1,'l');
", ans); }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −


After this execution, ans points to the location str1 + 2.

strpbrk () is a more general function that searches for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters.

Example 2

Following is the C program for the use of strpbrk () function

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#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
   char *str1 = "Hello";
   char *ans;
   ans = strpbrk (str1,"aeiou");
",ans); }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −


Here, ans points to the location str1 + 1, the location of the first e.

Updated on: 02-Sep-2021


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