What are anchors in regular expressions in C#?

Anchors are constructs in regular expressions in C#. It allows a match to succeed or fail depending on the current position in the string. The following table lists the anchors.

Assertion Description Pattern Matches
^ The match must start at the beginning of the string or line ^\d{3} "567" in "567-777-"
$ The match must occur at the end of the string or before 
at the end of the line or string.
-\d{4}$ "-2012" in "8-12-2012"
\A The match must occur at the start of the string. \A\w{3} "Code" in "Code-007-"
\Z The match must occur at the end of the string or before
at the end of the string.
-\d{3}\Z "-007" in "Bond-901-007"
\z The match must occur at the end of the string. -\d{3}\z "-333" in "-901-333"
\G The match must occur at the point where the previous match ended. \G\(\d\) "(1)", "(3)", "(5)" in "(1)(3)(5)[7](9)"
\b The match must occur on a boundary between a \w(alphanumeric) and a \W(nonalphanumeric) character. \w "R", "o", "m" and "1" in "Room#1"
\B The match must not occur on a \b boundary. \Bend\w*\b "ends", "ender" in "end sends endure lender"

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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