The Need for Interpersonal Skills in Project Management

Project management is the organization and coordination of a company's resources to achieve a certain objective. These resources include people, money, technology, and intellectual property. A project can be created for either a one-time objective or a recurring objective over an indefinite period of time.

Project management is frequently connected to industries like engineering, construction, and, more recently, healthcare and information technology (IT), which often require the completion of a complicated set of tasks. Let us see how interpersonal skills help complete such tasks.

Interpersonal Skills

The set of abilities we employ to engage and communicate with others is known as interpersonal skills.

Every time we interact with someone in our immediate environment, we display our interpersonal abilities, affecting our capacity to form bonds and collaboration with others.

Having strong interpersonal skills can help you perform well in interviews and build networks and relationships that will benefit you both personally and professionally.

Why is there a Need for Interpersonal Skills in Project Management?

For effective communication and collaboration with individuals and organizations in both your personal and professional life, interpersonal skills are crucial. People who have outstanding interpersonal skills are more likely to establish lasting bonds and thrive more effectively in a working environment. Interpersonal skills are useful for not only making everyday jobs easy but also closing big deals. Professionals with good interpersonal skills understand clients’ needs better and communicate with them in a convincing way.

Possessing interpersonal skills also makes it easier to handle issues and make wise choices. To find the greatest answer or make the best choice for everyone concerned, you might employ interpersonal communication skills and the capability of understanding others.

Interpersonal Skills Required at Work

Interpersonal communication is essential for functioning as a team and achieving common objectives. The following interpersonal communication abilities are extremely important in a working environment and especially in Project Management.

Communicating Verbally

Effective communication with others can be facilitated by your capacity to talk clearly, confidently, and convincingly about the circumstance. Select the language and tone that are appropriate for your audience.

During meetings and presentations, for instance, speak in a formal and professional manner. When speaking to customers or trying to explain something, avoid using complicated or technical language. When you need something clarified, ask questions.

Active Hearing

Active listening is the capacity to focus entirely on another person's speech and fully comprehend what the person is trying to say. By making vocal and nonverbal reactions, like eye contact, nodding, and smiling, you demonstrate that you are interested in what the speaker is saying. In order to actively listen, one must also pay attention to the nonverbal clues that speakers use. To demonstrate that you are listening and engaged, pose and respond to inquiries.

Nonverbal Communication

Just as much as your words, your posture, demeanor, and gestures may convey a certain meaning. Be mindful of your nonverbal signs when interacting with coworkers and managers, just as you would your spoken ones. To that end, keep your hands from being crossed, your face from becoming agitated, and losing eye contact.


Empathy usually referred to as emotional intelligence, is the capacity to comprehend another' feelings, wants, and viewpoints. When talking, sympathetic people are alert and kind. Empathy at work can boost morale, increase output, and reduce miscommunications between coworkers. You have a better chance of earning the respect and trust of your coworkers if you demonstrate empathy.

Settling Disputes

Whether they involve you and a coworker or other parties, conflicts and disagreements in the workplace can be resolved with the aid of your interpersonal communication skills. Negotiation, persuasion, and an understanding of both sides of an issue may be necessary. Try to discover a solution that works for everyone by paying close attention to what each party has to say. Positivity and collaboration at work can result from effective dispute-resolution techniques. They can also help you gain the respect and confidence of your coworkers.


Employee groups that work effectively together and communicate, stand a better chance of achieving their goals. Working as a team can increase productivity and help you avoid conflict. Do this by asking your coworkers for opinions and ideas and by offering to assist them when necessary. When team members do share their thoughts or advice, pay attention and respond favorably. When working on projects or attending meetings, try being upbeat and positive.

How to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills?

Setting goals for improvement and engaging in effective communication are two ways to improve your interpersonal skills. Take into account the following advice to enhance your interpersonal abilities −

Determine What Needs to be Improved

By requesting input from coworkers, bosses, family members, or friends, you can determine your interpersonal communication weaknesses and strengthen them. Record the weaknesses and work on them. Practice is what will get you the best skills in interpersonal communication.

Observe Others

By paying attention to your coworkers, company executives, and people that you look up to, you can develop strong interpersonal skills. Take note of their non-verbal cues and observe and pay attention to how they speak. Take note of specifics like their speaking rate, tone of voice, and interpersonal interactions. Apply and practice such qualities while having conversations.

Develop Emotional Restraint

Wait until you are calm before speaking with coworkers. If you have a positive outlook and are not stressed out or irritated, you seem to be more likely to communicate easily and efficiently without leading to impulsive behavior which can often lead to quarrels and misunderstandings at the workplace.

Contemplate Your Encounters

To improve your situation-handling capacities, keep notes or a journal about your interactions at work. Think about whether you could have reacted differently or used certain words, a different stance, or a different facial expression. Also, take note of successful interactions so you may comprehend why they were effective.

Develop Your Abilities Practically

Qualities that allow you to develop relationships and utilize your interpersonal abilities should be chosen. Consider joining an organization that hosts meetings or social gatherings. This can be a group with a focus on your industry that you discovered through a professional association or a group with a common interest. Attend events to pick up communication and social skills and practice interpersonal communication in the real field.

Build Understanding

Pay attention to your friends and coworkers and try to engage with them in a pleasant conversation. Praise colleagues for their efforts or smart suggestions. Bring a coffee for your coworker and ask them about their well-being. To get to know your team members better, ask them about their weekend or their interests.

Avoid Being Distracted

When connecting with others and communicating with them, put your phone or another mobile device in your packets or somewhere it is not fully noticeable. Give them your undivided attention and resist the urge to check phones frequently while communicating. You can listen and understand more clearly if you maintain your focus.

Go to Lessons

Enroll in seminars or courses that can help you develop your interpersonal abilities. There are tonnes of tuts and videos available online for free or at a fee. You may enroll in a public speaking course, for instance, if you wish to improve your verbal communication abilities for a larger audience.

Take on a Mentor

Ask someone you respect or admire to give you advice on how to strengthen your interpersonal abilities. Your mentor could be a respected coworker, an employer or lecturer, either present or former, a relative, or someone whose work you admire. You might even work with a certified communication or career coach.

Video Record Yourself

If you want to check what are the points where you can improve your communication abilities, video record yourself speaking. While watching your video, make a list of the things you'd like to improve or change, such as your speaking rate, facial expression, word choice, or gestures. Record yourself from time to time so you can monitor your development.

The Bottom Line

Interpersonal communication skills enable you to form strong, positive relationships with your coworkers. It enables productivity and enhances motivation at work. Interpersonal skills are crucial for working in teams. This skill not only makes you progress in your field but also helps you manage to work in teamwork while you’re handling any project.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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