The Environmental Impact of Blockchain Technology In Our World

The internet, with all of its accouterments, is meant to bring new efficiency to the environment. The option to send an email instead of a letter helps the environment. Video conferencing decreases carbon emissions by allowing people to connect face-to-face without having to travel by car or plane. Big data is supporting and will continue to support an economy that is considerably more efficient than ever before, as well as identifying innovative solutions that allow for long-term development.

Due to its ability to decentralize data and operations while still assuring top-tier security, blockchain plays a significant role in these advancements.

Because of its applications in supply chains, healthcare, insurance, travel, retail, and even energy, blockchain technology is widely believed to be a big part of the future of business. It has some drawbacks and restrictions, just like any other new technology.

Some groups are concerned that blockchain could provide amazing corporate benefits but also destroy the environment. While this argument has some merit in particular cases, the larger deployment of blockchain may demonstrate the reverse to be true: blockchain may be one of the most powerful sustainability enablers now accessible.

The effects of blockchain activities on the environment

While blockchain technology is an intriguing technology that is expected to be a crucial component of web 3.0, many critics appear to focus on one fundamental flaw: the energy-intensive nature of blockchain procedures. Despite the fact that the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus method (the most energy-intensive procedure) is only one of the ways of confirming transactions on the blockchain, it is still the one employed by the majority of the prominent blockchains, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.

According to studies, Bitcoin mining currently consumes more energy on a yearly basis than the entire country of Argentina, with each Bitcoin transaction consuming around 2,000 kW of electricity, which is roughly the same amount a typical American household consumes in 70 days. To top it off, scientists have proposed that Bitcoin mining emissions, which comprise around 96 million tons of CO2 every year, could boost the earth's temperature by up to two degrees. Given our ever-worsening climatic predicament, this paradigm clearly does not appear to be sustainable.

Why Do Cryptocurrency Miners Need Energy?

Crypto mining's massive energy usage is a plus, not a drawback. Mining for Bitcoin or any other proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrency, like mining for physical gold, is supposed to consume a lot of energy. The approach is designed to make taking control of a whole crypto network prohibitively expensive (though not impossible) for a well-funded actor.

Cryptocurrency supporters claim that the decentralized structure has several advantages over centralized currency systems because cryptocurrency networks may function without the need for a trusted intermediary such as a central bank. Miners use vast quantities of computational power to operate and maintain the security of a cryptocurrency network in place of any centralized authority.

Is It Possible to Minimize Crypto's Environmental Impact?

Efforts to make crypto more environmentally friendly include using methane gas from fossil fuel drilling that would otherwise be burned off and locating plants in places with plentiful wind power, like West Texas. These are fantastic ideas in theory, but if the price of Bitcoin plummets, these and other similar ventures may become financially unviable.

These are fantastic ideas in theory, but if the price of Bitcoin plummets, these and other similar ventures may become financially unviable.

Instead, developers are focusing on the architecture of future cryptocurrencies to save energy, primarily by switching to non-proof-of-work validation mechanisms. The proof of stake (PoS) system, for example, is gaining traction and is based on how much of a particular cryptocurrency a user has pledged to stake or hold and not sell.

Transactions must be approved by a certain number of validators before they can be added to the chain, and these people are chosen at random. Validators are compensated with coins, and when a new block is created, they keep the money they staked.

When compared to the race to crunch through equations that comes with mining in a PoW system, this uses fewer computer resources. To verify new blocks on its blockchain, Ethereum will eventually adopt a variant of the PoS method. Other methods, such as evidence of history, proof of elapsed time, proof of burn, and proof of capacity, are also being developed(Opens in a new window).

The Applications of Blockchain That Can Still Help the Environment

Not every blockchain application consumes a lot of resources. Indeed, the blockchain is already being utilized to help the environment in a variety of ways. Nori, for instance, uses blockchain to power carbon-removal vendors and remove excess carbon from the atmosphere. The Poseidon Foundation's Reduce platform employs 'carbon credits' to combat climate change. It examines a product's carbon footprint and compares it to a credit value, revealing the true dynamic cost of consumption.

Some blockchain applications, on the other hand, have environmental benefits without specifically focusing on carbon removal.

As a result of its ability to strengthen global supply chains, blockchain's impact on supply chain management will have substantial environmental benefits.

Global supply chains today are complicated settings that necessitate a large number of items, participants, and procedures, as well as complete cooperation. The result of this environment is a supply chain that is extremely inefficient and inflexible, and the environmental impact of global supply networks has been disastrous. According to an analysis, supply chain issues are responsible for 90% of the environmental damage produced by consumer packaged goods.

The blockchain provides a safe and dependable infrastructure that is also decentralized for these complicated supply networks. It also provides a new way to look for sustainable supply chain strategies that would have been impossible to find in this setting without the use of blockchain. Furthermore, because the blockchain is transparent, businesses and their partners can know exactly where everything in their chain is or is moving at any time and from any location on the planet. Everyone will be able to make more informed decisions, which is significant.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2022


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