Structuring Python Programs

In this tutorial, we are going to see some best practices for structuring the Python programs. Let's see one by one

Use a tab for indentation

Using a tab for indentation in the code make code more readable instead of using random spaces for multiple functions and methods. You can set the number of spaces for a tab in any code editors' settings.


# example
def sample(random):
# statement 1
# statement 2
# ...
return random

Don't write more than 79 characters in a line

Writing more than 79 characters in a line is not recommended Python. Avoid this by breaking line into multiple lines using the escape character (). See the example below.


# example
def evaluate(a, b, c, d):
   return (2 ** (a + b) / (c // d) ** d + a - d * b) \
   - (3 ** (a + b) / (c // d) ** d + a - d * b)

If you have to check multiple conditions in if statement, then it will be more than 79 characters. Use any one of the following methods.


if (
   a + b > c + d and
   c + d > e + f and
   f + g > a + b
if a + b > c + d and \
   c + d > e + f and \
   f + g > a + b:

Using docstrings

Use docstring in the functions and classes. We can use the triple quotes for the docstrings. some examples below.


def sample():
   """This is a function"""
   a function
class Smaple:
   """This is a class"""
   a class


If you have any doubts in the tutorial, mention them in the comment section.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2020


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